Truly processing them.
My hunk of a man.
My husband.
Now that this song is done, and my mind has purged itself of the emotions, my brain chemistry has also altered. It’s almost like the fog has cleared, and I’m finally ready to deal with reality genuinely.
And the fact I’m falling for my husband all over again.
And I’m not sure how to feel about that.
Or what to do with that realization.
I walk Ian to the door, sit on the front steps, and watch him drive away.
I’m falling for my husband all over again.
Without overthinking, I text Evie.
Me: Can we talk?
I push the send button, then immediately wonder if it was too much, too direct, or too soon. I didn’t even say hi first. Maybe I should have led with that? Asked first if she even wanted to talk. Holden’s her best friend, after all. He came first, well before me. What if she doesn’t want to discuss him with me? Who am I going to talk to then?
My phone rings, successfully keeping me from spiraling further.
I lean back against the front door and accept the video call.
Evie’s face fills the screen as if the phone is only inches from her. “What happened? Are you okay? Is Holden okay?”
“Shit.” I straighten. “Sorry, I didn’t even think you might worry. Yes, everyone’s okay. I just wanted to talk if you have time.”
Her lips puff out on a loud exhale. “Oh, thank God.”
I feel terrible for upsetting her. “Sorry.”
“No, it’s okay.” The picture jolts around until she’s finally got the phone steady somewhere. “I’ve just been on edge since the car incident, that’s all. Especially since I can’t see you. I just want to hole up with you somewhere until these guys figure out what’s happening. I hate this.”
“Me too.” Although I’m happy she can’t get dragged into it this way. I’m all for keeping her and Phoenix as far away from this as possible. Their safety is more important.
“So, what’s up?” She grabs her mug and takes a sip.
I don’t respond quickly enough, and she leans closer to the camera.
“Are you blushing?”
My free hand automatically flies to my cheek. It feels hot. “No?”
Evie’s eyes widen. “Oh my gosh, youareblushing.”
“Well . . .”
What are you waiting for? Tell her. You’re the one who wanted to talk to her.
“No freaking way.” Evie bounces in her seat. “Ah, shit, that’s hot.”