Page 98 of Tangled In Lies

You know, I put you in prison, but then three years later, I saved your life—that sort of thing.

Oh my God. Please, stop.

Great, now I’m yelling at myself inside my head.

“Eve?” Phoenix is giving me a concerned once-over.

I sigh and push up to a sitting position, wincing at how my entire body aches. “Uh, sorry. A bath actually sounds nice.”

Maybe my muscles will relax in the hot water.

“I’ll draw you one.”

Phoenix’s voice reminds me I’m not alone, regardless of how much time I spend in my head. His words finally process, and I open my mouth to tell him I can take one in my room, but the words die on my tongue.

My eyes go wide, and I cover my mouth with my hand. “Oh my God, Phoenix.”

His name comes out all muffled, but I know he heard me because he stops and glances at me with a questioning expression.

I pull my hand off my mouth and point in his direction. “Your back.”

Understanding crosses his features, and he lifts a shoulder. “It’s nothing. I’ve had worse.”

With that, he spins around and disappears into the bathroom.

He’s had worse? His back looks like someone went at itwith a sharp rake, and the goal was to leave as little flesh unharmed as possible.

I’m still trying to sort through my muddled thoughts when he returns. This time, he’s dressed in black sweats and a gray T-shirt that stretches across his broad chest.

He points his thumb toward the bathroom. “Do you need help?”

I blink and chuckle awkwardly. “Uh, no. I’m okay. Thank you.”

His mouth draws into a line like he doesn’t believe me.

To prove my point, I push my hands into the mattress and will my legs to hold me upright.

Thankfully, they do, or I would be screwed.

“Let me walk you into the bathroom, at least. I don’t want you to fall.” He sighs like I’m the most stubborn person he’s ever met.

“Fine.” I mutter the word, not admitting I’m secretly grateful for the help.

I’m pretty sure he knows it too when I cling to his arm like he’s my life jacket and I’m about to drown if I let go.

He doesn’t just deposit me at the door but takes me to the massive tub in the corner. It’s one that doubles as a Jacuzzi and could probably fit several people.

“Thank you.” I sit on the edge, letting out a relieved breath.

“No problem. I’ll be in the bedroom if you need me.”

“Okay.” I watch him leave.

He stops in the doorway and turns around. “Eve?”

I swallow at my name on his lips. It has slipped out before, but now I can’t remember when he last called me bymy full name like he did at first. He’s the only one who’s ever called me Eve. Most other people call me Evie.

But not Phoenix. Never him.