Page 91 of Tangled In Lies

Phoenix’s face appears right in front of mine, and his big hands cup my face. “Hey, shh. Eyes on me. Now take a deep breath. I’ve got you.”

I nod, trying to match my breathing to his.

It takes the edge off my panic but doesn’t entirely go away.

Phoenix sits on the edge of the mattress, taking both of my hands in his. “Your phone broke during the explosion, but Hold is working on transferring everything to a new one.”

With my lips pressed together, I nod. “Okay, thank you.”

He squeezes my hands. “Of course. Plus, you heard the nurse: no screen time for the next two days.”

I chew on my lip, trying to come up with something to say that would make sense. “I know, I just need to check something quick and then I’ll stay off it, promise.”

He narrows his eyes at me but nods. “I already contacted your parents, and Hold said he’d let Ruby and Mason know what happened. I’ll message them again to let them know you’re okay but on a phone ban for the next two days, okay?”

I try to ignore the growing ball of worry in my chest and nod. “Thank you. I’m sure they’re worried.”

“Consider it done. I’ll also get in touch with the school to figure out a plan for the next few weeks. I’m sure we can find a way to switch your classes online for the time being.”

School wasn’t even on my mind, but I’m glad he thought about it.

I whisper another, “Thank you,” just as there’s a knock at the door and it opens.

A tall man strolls in with a tablet in his hand. “Hey, I’m Dr. Chris. Good to see you awake, Miss Caldwell.” He swings his gaze in Phoenix’s direction. “How’s your back? I told the nurses to give you some pain medicine if it’s too much.”

Phoenixsighs. “I’m fine.”

The doctor lifts his hands in a calming gesture. “I just wanted you to know there are options.”

Phoenix nods and turns toward me, and the doctor gets the cue.

I’m still stuck on how Phoenix’s injuries seem bad enough for the doctor to think it warrants pain medicine, and the fact Phoenix didn’t tell me about it.

“Now, to you, Miss Caldwell.” He taps his tablet before peeking at the monitor next to me. “You suffered a mild concussion from the hit you took to the ground. The minor cuts should heal on their own, so no stitches for you. You will probably be sore for a while from the bruising. You both took the brunt with your backsides, one more than the other. Other than that, you’re as good as new. And I’m happy you’re still with us, both of you.”

I try to smile at him, but my mouth doesn’t want to work, no matter how much I try to tug it up in the corners.

I think it’ll take some time to fully grasp I almost died.

The doctor goes over the dos and don’ts of treating a concussion again, but I only half listen. Eventually, he leaves, and the nurse returns with a small wagon in tow. I catch sight of a familiar black package next to the food tray. My body tenses immediately. It can’t be.

Cynthia brings it over with a smile. “Someone had these flowers delivered for you.”

Chapter 22


Per hospital protocol, a nurse is accompanying us to the car, pushing Evangeline in a wheelchair next to me. Their snail’s pace is testing every ounce of my self-control, and it takes all my willpower not to toss Evangeline over my shoulder and run to the waiting car with her.

My only goal is to get her safely into the car and away from the hospital as quickly as possible. To get her home and hide her away. Especially after someone sent her another bouquet of wilted roses. Eve’s pretending it’s not a big deal, but I can see right through it. Would she act the same if she knew I’m aware this wasn’t the first one she got?

Better question yet, how would she act if she knew what Holden found on her mirrored phone?

We finally make it to the garage, where my best friend is already waiting for us next to a shiny new blacked-out SUV. I’ve never bought a vehicle as fast as I bought this one. When I was going to ask Holden to take care of it, he showed me three different models and told me to pick one.

There’s no way in hell I would have any of us set foot in a vehicle that isn’t the safest one out there, bombproof and all.

He sees us and steps forward.