Page 9 of Tangled In Lies

Did you like my surprise?

I need to get out of here. I need to get away from this place and all of these people.

I fumble my phone out of my purse and stare at it like it personally offended me. What I wouldn’t give to throw it away and flee the country right now, or at the very least block Freddy’s number. But I can’t do that, or bad things will happen to my friends. Freddy made that more than clear.

After a deep inhale, I pull up my messages and text my driver, Darryl, to get the car. He tells me to meet him out back in ten minutes.

Ten minutes. I can keep it together for that long. Hide in here until I can go straight to the back exit, hopefully without running into anyone.

The door creaks outside, and a new voice filters in.

“Is she okay?”

No, damn it. What is Tyler doing here? I don’t need more people witnessing my meltdown.

I sigh and get out of the stall. “I’m fine, Ty.”

“Are you sure? You look a bit green.” Our friend studies me and hands me a bottle of water.

“Thank you.” A quick glance in the mirror confirms his statement. My skin does have a sick gleam to it. “My stomach is just a little upset.”

“I’m sorry. Did you eat or drink something bad?” Hepushes his hands into his pockets, relaxing now that he can see I’m okay. His right cheek lifts in the devilish smirk I know so well. “Any punch at this party I should know about?”

Mason groans. “Oh my God. We said we’d never talk about that punch again. I still believe the assholes who added that entire vodka bottle were trying to murder all of us. Our parents were so mad we got that hammered at Evie’s sweet sixteen.” He laughs. “It’s a miracle any of us remember that night at all.”

Tyler laughs. “Only bits and pieces.”

“Fuck, you feel so good, Evie.”

Flashes of him with his head between my legs before he crawled up my body and thrust into me race through my mind. The memories are a bit blurry, but most of them are there.

I shake off the memory. We hooked up once, and that was many years ago. Well, at least this brief walk down memory lane distracted me for another two to three minutes.

Almost time to escape this shit show.

It’s okay. Everything’s okay. I’m going to be fine.

Yes, Phoenix is back, but maybe I won’t see him again.

I mean, there’s no reason for us to cross paths. And if we happen to attend the same parties, I can easily avoid him, right?

Plus, I’ll be gone next year once I’m done with school anyway, and all of this will be behind me.

I focus back on Tyler and the fact he’s wearing his pristine vest, crisp white shirt, and black slacks. Damn it. I forgot he’s working tonight.

“Ty, get back out there. I don’t want you to get in trouble.”

“Stop worrying about me. I just wanted to make sure you’re okay.” He brushes a hand through his messy dark-blond hair. He must have done that a lot tonight. Waiting on the rich can do that to you. He walks to the door and eyes me over his shoulder. “See you Monday?”

I give him a small smile. “Bright and early, as usual.”

He nods and leaves, and I catch Ruby’s gaze in the mirror.

She shakes her head at me. “Don’t give me that look. You know I couldn’t stop him. He came barging in here like a white knight in shining armor. Nothing and no one can stop him once he’s set his eyes on something.”

“I just don’t want to get him in trouble.”

The corner of her mouth quirks up. “I know, babe. But he’s a big boy who can take care of himself.” She winks at me. “A reallynicebig boy.”