Stupid heavy door.
“Phoenix.” My voice is so shrill it’s almost unrecognizable.
But it has the desired effect, and Phoenix glances up at me with a frown from where he stands right next to his black car.
No, no, please don’t.
“Car bomb. Ruuuuuuuuuun.”
His eyes go wide, and then he’s finally moving.
But instead of running away, he’s running toward me.
No, what is he doing?
“Fucking run, Angel.”
We collide, and Phoenix grabs me by the waist, hurrying away from the car.
Mere seconds later, an ear-deafening noise sounds behind us, and a blast of heat and pressure hits us.
Chapter 20
The pressure hitting my back is too forceful to withstand, and I fly forward with only one goal: to cover Evangeline from the blast.
I have to keep her safe. I have to keep her safe.
Nothing can happen to her.
She’s mine.
I can’t lose her too.
Heat sears my back, and for a brief moment, everything goes completely silent in my ears before the muffled sound of a blaring car alarm slowly filters in again and absolute chaos breaks out around me.
With some effort, I push myself up enough that I don’t crush Evangeline.
Holden drops to the ground next to us. “Are you guys okay?”
But I can’t look at him. I can only look ather. At her lifeless body pinned to the ground underneath me. At the slick blood on my hands when I touch the back of her head.
“Hold.” I say his name, my voice breaking. “Why isn’t shemoving?”
I stare at him through blurry eyes, a fresh round of panic and devastation gripping my throat so tightly it feels like someone’s choking me. The amount of oxygen squeezing past the restriction is so minuscule that small spots form in my vision.
Eve groans, and Holden all but pushes me off her.
“Phoenix, move. Let me check on her. The ambulance will be here soon.” He sends me a concerned glance. “She’s going to be okay. The team is securing the premises as we speak, so stay right here.”
I nod and grab her hand, not letting go as I watch Holden check her breathing and pulse.
“Her pulse is strong.” He points at her chest. “Her breathing too. You probably just knocked the wind out of her for a second.”
Eve’s hand twitches in my own. She gives it a little squeeze, and I hold on to it like it’s my lifeline.
Footsteps rush toward us, and Holden aims his gun at the approaching person.