Page 77 of Tangled In Lies

She clears her throat and says, “Have a lovely day, Mike,” before returning to her seat.

“You too.” Mike steps back.

I let the car roar, and we drive through the gate, up the driveway to the house.


It’s pretentious and way too big for me, but my grandfather wanted me to have it. And somehow, it feels a lot more like a home now with Holden and Evangeline in it.

“You have my number. Just give me a call.”

My mind circles back over our conversation with my security guard until we drive into the garage. My skin feels too tight.

I kill the engine but keep my focus on the front of the car, not trusting myself to look at Evangeline yet. No one else winds me up the way she does.

My breath escapes out of my nose in an angry swoosh. “Why the fuck does my security guard have your phone number?”

Evangeline lifts her hand toward the door.

Of course, she’d rather run from me than answer a damn question.

I click the lock button on my door console.

“Phoenix.” There’s that bite again in her voice. “Open the door.”

“Not until you answer my question.”

She sighs and settles back in her seat. “I don’t have to answer all of your questions, okay? Yes, I agreed to marry you, but I’m not your property to do whatever you want with.”

But that’s where she’s wrong.

She might not be my property, but she owes me.


I don’t reply; I react.

I push the unlock button, the click loud in the otherwise quiet car, and she immediately grabs the door handle to yank it open.

Then she runs.

A laugh escapes me. “You can run all you want, Angel, but I’ll always find you.”

She races through the mudroom, across the foyer, and up the stairs.

Once she reaches the top landing, I catch up with her, grab her hand, and drag her in the opposite direction of her room.

“What are you doing?” She tries to yank her hand out of mine. “Phoenix. Let me go.”

I ignore her and drag her straight to my office.

Holden sits behind the desk when I burst in and regards us with a confused expression. Once he sees me with my cargo in tow, it quickly turns into amusement.

“Out.” I keep my voice restrained with him, barely.

He walks toward the door with a slight shake to his head.

“Hold, help me.” Evangeline yanks and wiggles behind me, using her other hand to aid her attempted escape.