Page 60 of Tangled In Lies

Until life calmed down. Is she talking about her sister’s death? My imprisonment?

He lifts his head to study her. “It might be good for you to see someone, especially if the panic attacks return, or more of these rage attacks happen. I believe a great deal in therapy. Frankly, if it were up to me, everyone would go.”

Evangeline just nods but stays quiet while the doc finishes up wrapping her hand and checking her vitals.

He jots down a few lines in his notebook and puts everything back into his bag. “I don’t want to prescribe you any medicine right now, but please let me know if you’re having more attacks or any other symptoms arise. And please think about seeing a therapist. Mental health is just as important as physical health, if not more important sometimes. I’d be happy to give you some recommendations.”

Her mouth forms a gentle smile. “I will, thank you.”

One second, the words form in my head; the next, they are out of my mouth. “She also fainted last week.”

Evangeline and the doc both turn to stare at me before the doc focuses his attention back on his patient.

“Is that true? You fainted?”

She wrings the blanket in her lap and winces. “I did, but it was for a different reason. I had an upset stomach and couldn’t keep anything down for a while but then had to attend a meeting the next day when I should have stayed inbed. I was extremely dizzy, probably a little dehydrated, and then fainted.”

No wonder she promptly fell asleep when Holden got her later that day. She probably drank on that still-empty and upset stomach. Stubborn woman.

The concern is written all over the doc’s face. “And you’re sure you’re feeling okay?”

She nods. “I think so. My life has been a bit crazy, and a lot has happened in a really short time. Maybe a bit too much.”

“Miss Caldwell, that sounds to me like you are in dire need of a vacation.”

She chuckles like he just said something funny.

I frown.

“Think about it. I’d also feel more comfortable to get you on the schedule for a more thorough exam and some blood work as well.” He closes his bag and gestures toward me. “And please don’t hesitate to call if something changes or you need me for anything else. Phoenix has my number.”

She nods. “Thank you.”

He gives her a small head bow. “It was my pleasure, miss. Feel better soon.”

I walk him toward the door and shake hands with him. “Thanks for coming out. I appreciate it.”

“Of course.” He pats my arm and leans in. “Keep a close eye on her and make sure she gets lots of rest.”

“I will try my best.”

Holden is waiting on the other side of the door to escort the doctor to his car, so my focus zeroes back in on Evangeline.

My eyes widen when I see she’s trying to get out of bed. “What do you think you’re doing?”

I rush to her side and reach for her arm, barely in time for her to stand.

She’s wobbly on her feet, but at least she’s not pushing me away. “Can you help me to my room, please?”

Before she can protest, I lift her into my arms for the second time tonight.

“Phoenix, let me down. I can walk.”

The shove at my chest is weak, and I settle her more comfortably in my arms, careful her injured hand is safe.

“Stop fighting me. I’m just going to take you to your room.”

I almost tell her to stay here in my bed, but that would be ridiculous.