Page 6 of Tangled In Lies

But that would be too easy.

Too quick and too final.

She deserves something a lot more painful and torturous.

Revenge won’t bring back what I lost, but it will make me feel better.

Just like she’s been occupying my thoughts for the bigger part of the last three years, I want her to experience the same inconvenience now that I’m back. The same compulsion. To have her constantly glancing over her shoulder and incapable of sleeping at night.

But she doesn’t know any of that yet. That’s a surprise for later.

With a smile that should pass as genuine, I close the distance between us and wrap her in my arms. “Happy birthday,Angie.”

She stiffens under my touch. Without having to see her, I know I hit my mark with the nickname, as intended, since her sister was the only one who called her that.

Her familiar floral scent floods my nose, still the same lavender fragrance. It’s still as delicate and sweet as before, hitting my depraved nervous system with a ferocity I didn’t anticipate. Unexpectedly, it’s not unpleasant, a good thing if I go through with my plan.

I pull back enough to graze her cheek with a kiss, theperfect gentleman. Her skin is soft under my lips, and I have to use every ounce of control in my body to refrain from biting her. The urge to inflict even the smallest fraction of pain is almost impossible to resist.

Reluctantly, I let go of her and push my hands into my pockets, pretending nothing’s amiss.

She’s still holding on to her brother’s arm as though it’s the only thing keeping her upright. I hope like hell it is.

Directing my attention to her dad, I dip my head. “Thanks for the invitation, Byron. I appreciate it.”

Evangeline’s head snaps in her father’s direction. It seems she didn’t know about her father’s involvement in my appearance today.

Byron chuckles. “You’re always welcome here.”

He doesn’t specify whatheremeans, but if I’m correct and he refers to his family, he might truly not know what his daughter did. How else could he possibly think I’d forget his own daughter was the one who put me behind bars? Let alone forgive such a betrayal. Impossible.

Since he seems very secure in his hospitality, I put it on extra thick and place a hand on my chest. Right over my heart and the tattoo that’ll forever be my reminder of a hard-learned lesson. Trusting people will leave you with two outcomes: either you gain a person for life, or you learn a lesson for life. “That means a lot.”

“Let me know if you need anything.”

I only smile and nod, unsure if I can keep up the act if I speak right now.

Unable to stay in their, inher,presence for any longer tonight, I clap him on the upper arm and lean in so only he can hear me. “I have some people who’re waiting for me tomingle, but we’re still on for our meeting tomorrow, correct?”

Another overeager smile for me. “Absolutely. Your parents will be there as well?”

“Yes, they’re scheduled to return in the morning from their trip and will meet with us right away.”


I lower my voice. “I want Evangeline to be there too.”

Byron stares at me with a small frown marring his forehead but quickly schools his expression.

Before he can ask any questions, I add, “But let’s keep it between us. It’s supposed to be a surprise, one I’m sure you’ll like a lot.”

He nods curtly, the excited gleam reentering his dark eyes. “Yes, of course.”

“Enjoy your evening.” I glance at each of them, ready to get the hell away from them before my control slips, but then I catchhergaze, and the blood rushes too loudly through my body again. My mask disappears, and for a moment, I let her see a sliver of the darkness and pain to come.

With my hands in tight fists in my pockets, I somehow manage a wink. “Bye, Angie.”

This time, she doesn’t flinch. This time, she expected it because she got a glimpse of the monster I’ve turned into. The monstershecreated.