The sensation becomes a distant memory when his tongue delves into my mouth and claims mine in a way I’ve never experienced before. The fact that he isn’t exactly gentle in his approach only sends an extra spark of heat between my legs.
Without thought, I let out a quiet whimper, and Phoenix pulls back with wide eyes.
The noise around us slowly breaks through my daze.
We stare at each other, my panicked gaze resembling his.
Someone clears his throat close by. I move my head toward the sound, heat rising to my cheeks when I stare at the photographer.
I swallow my groan. Why is he still here? Did he watch us this whole time like a creep?
Before I can offer an apology, Phoenix grabs my hand and tugs me away.
I give the photographer a half-assed chuckle and wave, barely able to keep up with Phoenix as he marches across the room and toward the exit.
With my hand still firmly clasped in his, we reach the coat check. Phoenix wordlessly hands my ticket to the employee and then types furiously on his phone. I’m still too stunned to speak, my brain busy replaying what happened in my head. Over and over and over.
That did happen, right?
Phoenix just kissed the ever-loving shit out of me . . . at our first outing as an engaged couple.
In a room full of people. With a photographer watching—and probably recording—the entire moment.
And worst of all . . . did I actually kiss him back?
Phoenix holds out my coat for me, and I slip my arms into it on autopilot, utterly lost in my head. Without a word, he drags me out into the cool night air to the already waiting car at the curb.
When on earth did Holden manage to get that?
Phoenix opens the back door for me and motions for me to get in, but I pause and look at him for the first time since our kiss and immediately wish I hadn’t. His eyes are cold, his jaw locked tight, and he stares at me with such disgust my stomach plunges.
With a hard swallow, I manage to avert my gaze and climb into the vehicle. Phoenix follows, and Holden pulls into traffic. I keep my gaze solely trainedon the busy New York streets that fade away once we leave the city. Freeways and dark scenery replace skyscrapers and packed streets.
Eventually, we reach the long driveway I’ve already become so used to.
Holden parks in the garage, the car barely coming to a halt when Phoenix yanks the door open and slams it behind him. Holden stares through the windshield as his friend storms through the vast space and disappears inside the house with another door slam.
He shifts my way with his eyebrows drawn together. “What did I miss?”
“He didn’t tell you?”
He shakes his head. “He only messaged me to get the car, and that was it.”
I roll my lips together. “Well, you need to ask him then because I have no clue either.”
It’s not a lie. Well, not really. My brain is still trying to figure out what happened or how what transpired was possible in the first place. Because while I agreed to be his fiancée, or rather was forced to agree, I never said I’d be okay with any kind of public intimacy. Holding hands is one thing, kissing on the cheek bearable, but a kiss likethat? That’s an entirely different thing.
That wasn’t just a kiss. He devoured you. He made a statement.
I shake my head and open my door. “I can’t deal with this right now.”
Holden jumps out of the car too, his gaze scrutinizing. “So something did happen.”
I shrug. “Yes, but I won’t tell you what. Ask Phoenix.”
He grumbles under his breath, “Fine.”