Page 45 of Tangled In Lies

A low whistle comes from behind me.

“Well, hot damn. Does your fiancé know how to pick a dress, or what?”

Jo steps up beside me, and I don’t correct her about the fact a personal shopper is to thank for this and not Phoenix.Not my fiancé.

There’s no denying the gown is beautiful—with golden beads, a high choker, and elegant off-shoulder pearl sleeves. The dress itself is see-through with a nude underlining attached. Simply breathtaking.

Jo claps her hands and rubs them like an excited child. “Let’s get you ready. Phoenix won’t know what hit him when I’m done with you.”

I settle in the chair and close my eyes.

Jo works in silence, but after a while, I almost sense her curious energy around me.

“So . . .” She studies me. “Holden said you and Phoenixhave known each other since you were younger. Are you childhood sweethearts?”

I stare at her, probably too long, but digesting this takes longer. The urge to snort or laugh at her comment is followed closely by bursting into tears and spilling my guts to this random stranger.

Typically, I excel at putting on a fake mask and charming everyone around me, but those battery levels are almost empty. Occasionally, there are moments when they work perfectly, but then they drain again. Having to beoneveryday all day this week has been too much.

Her blue eyes bore into mine when I finally manage to look at her again, and she flinches at whatever she sees on my face.

Yup, those fake mask batteries are utterly depleted.

And at what better time than when I have not only one charity event to get through by Phoenix’s side this weekend but two?

She shakes her head. “I’m sorry if I overstepped. We don’t need to talk about it. I promise.”

I sigh and exhale loudly. “No, sorry. It’s just complicated.”

Her mouth forms an ‘O’ shape. “I understand complicated.”

“Phoenix was engaged to my sister. She died a few days before he went to prison.”

Jo stops what she was doing mid-air and stares at me. “Well, maybe I don’t understand complicated, after all. Wow. Mmm, okay. I understand why you might feel weird talking about your relationship.”

“I guess I’ll have to get used to it.”

She hisses through her teeth. “I bet the press will have a field day with this, I’m so sorry. Especially since they’re still all over Phoenix being a free man again.”

“I can imagine.” I squeeze my intertwined fingers in my lap, counting to five, then easing the pressure.

She adjusts a clip on top of my head and weaves a strand of hair through her hands. “You haven’t seen all the headlines about the prodigal son’s return?”

I shake my head as much as I can in this position. “I stopped reading tabloids and online gossip a long time ago. I learned it’s better that way.”

She briefly considers that, twirling the curling iron in her hand. “I guess I can see why. I probably wouldn’t want to read all the gossip about myself either.”

“It gets old fast, especially when they flip on you and turn into vultures at the drop of a hat. I’ve had enough of that with my sister and Phoenix for a lifetime.”

Her high ponytail bobs. “I feel bad for even bringing it up. Sometimes, I have a talent for putting my foot in my mouth.”

I lift my hand and wave her off. “It’s okay. Like I said, I probably have to get used to it anyway. I’m sure the press will go nuts over this new development.”

She steps away and admires her handiwork with an excited glimmer in her eyes. “Well, at least you will knock the air out of every single person there tonight. Let’s get you in that dress, shall we? I cannot wait to see Phoenix’s face when he sets eyes on you. Fiancé or not, he will have to beat the guys away from you with a stick all night long.”

Her chuckle is adorable, so at odds with her more tough-looking exterior, and I can’t help but smile at her.

A real smile.