Page 37 of Tangled In Lies

I can’t remember the last time I’ve seen one of those on her face. Not in a long time.

“Phoenix, could you hand me some water, please?”

I glance up from the outdoor fridge to stare at a smiling Evangeline in the pool and nod.

She’s turning sixteen in a week, and her parents left Alex in charge of watching his sister. Alongside the staff, of course. To Alex, that means cockblocking since he has extreme feelings about either of his sisters becoming teen moms. That would be an utterdisgrace to the family. Any scandal would be. Alex has done the same with Constance for years, and since she’s starting her first year of college with us in a few weeks, I guess he has been successful with her so far. And there is no doubt the guys in Evangeline’s friend group want to fuck her. But none of them are good enough for her.

“. . . you wanted.”

I blink at Holden, who tilts his head to the side to study me.

Clearing my throat, I focus back on him. “Sorry, what?”

He stays silent for another beat before answering. “I said everything is done the way you wanted.”

“Good, thank you.”

“I added the camera feed from her room to the others so you can access it from your phone and computer.”

Turning toward my computer, I log in and pull up the security cameras. Holden stands beside me to point out the added screen in the large quadrant of video feeds.

Evangeline is lying on her bed, phone in her hand.

And just like magic, the phone in my hand vibrates, mirroring what she’s doing on hers.


You didn’t stop by this morning. Everything okay?


Yeah, all good. I thought it might be better to avoid coffee with my upset stomach, you know? But I’ll pop in tomorrow.

A grunt erupts from my throat just as another message pops up.


Deal :)

She exits the conversation and opens the group chat with Ruby and Mason. Several dots in different colors dance across the bottom of the screen.


Evangeline Caldwell. You’re in so much trouble ghosting us all day. How dare you? Next time, at least let us know you’re not lying in a ditch somewhere.


Sorry, I got sick last night and passed out. And then I forgot my phone today and just got back.


Are you okay?


Yeah, I’m good.
