Page 31 of Tangled In Lies

Loud music greets us when we enter. This place must be soundproof because I didn’t hear a thing from outside.

I pause and take in the ample space that resembles a state-of-the-art gym. One side has more workout gear and machines than I even knew existed, and the other one houses a boxing ring and mats.

The music abruptly stops, snapping my attention to the man approaching us—the half-naked man.

Phoenix strolls over with a water bottle in his hand and his black shorts sitting so low on his hips the waistband of his underwear peeks out. Right below the narrow line of dark hair that disappears behind said waistband.

My gaze travels up his muscular abs and chest, momentarily stopping when something shiny glints in the light—a nipple piercing on his right pec.

I falter for a moment when I see a compass tattoo right above his heart, but that can’t be right. No way. I must be seeing things. Why would he ever mark his skin with that permanently?

Fully aware I’m staring, I swallow and drag my gaze up to meet his.

He stops a few feet before us, grabs his shirt from the bench next to us, and puts it on. I continue to stare at him like he’s some mystical creature while also trying to ignore any reaction my body might have to him.

Because no, I’m most definitely not blind, and beauty doesn’t seem to have an asshole meter. Even psychos and assholes can look like they were carved from marble.

The one standing in front of me gives me a cocky smirk, probably knowing what he’s doing to me. But I’m not the only one checking the other one out. Phoenix’s gaze flicks down my body so lazily, and with such open appreciation, it almost feels like a phantom touch. A low buzz fills my veins with every inch his gaze travels. The same weightless euphoria as this morning sings in my body, sending me a little dizzy. It’s so compelling, I can’t resist it. Nor do I want to.

Holden clears his throat. “You okay, man?”

Crap. I totally forgot he was still here.

I don’t look at him, but Phoenix turns his way and nods.

Holden sighs. “Good, because I need a shower and to get rid of this food smell.”

I wrinkle my nose because what is he talking about? I don’t smell anything. Maybe it’s because I’m used to the smell of food from the shelter? I’ve been helping there for so long, I barely even register anything when I enter the building.

Something touches my arm, and I jerk, blinking several times.

I seriously have to stop zoning out so much.

Phoenix is much closer than before, and Holden is nowhere to be seen.


Yet again, alone with the devil.

Not the same kind of devil like Freddy, but one nonetheless. They’re both trying to ruin my life, just in different ways. One has already done a decent job, destroying several lives along the way, while the other one is just getting started.

“About this morning.” Phoenix brushes his fingers through his damp hair, his gaze moving down my throat. “I went too far, and it won’t happen again.”

Not exactly an apology, but close enough, I suppose.

I can still feel his hand around my throat, each finger biting into my skin as my air supply slowly dwindled.

He narrows his eyes at me. “Did you hear what I said?”

I just stand there like a total moron and nod.

Because how am I supposed to reply to that? I won’tthank him for attempting to act like a civilized human and not kill me.

Bummer he didn’t finish the job, isn’t it?

There’s that crazy thought again.

Would he feel bad, or guilty, if he’d actually killed me this morning? Without regard to if it was done by accident or on purpose?