Page 28 of Tangled In Lies

Did you know she does volunteer work a few times a week after school? That wasn’t on the schedule. How did that slip through?


Seriously? I think the private investigator we fired gave us that schedule.

The three dots at the bottom appear and disappear.


I still think he faked his license. No one can be that stupid.

I think back to the day we found the PI sleeping in his car while he was on the job for us, and Holden hammered on the guy’s car window. He got so scared he stumbled out of the driver’s door with a wet stain on his pants.

Such a dumbass.

My phone pings with an incoming picture message.


I’m not sure I get paid handsomely enough for this, boss.

I laugh the second the image of Holden loads. His hair is tucked underneath a hair net, and he frowns at the camera.


Where the fuck are you?


Women’s shelter.

I lower the phone to the desk.

A women’s shelter?

That’s where Evangeline volunteers?

I can’t remember seeing any mention of that online when I did an in-depth internet search of her either. And I mean in-depth, with a fine-tooth comb. How is that possible?

Opening my browser on the phone, I type inEvangeline Caldwell women’s shelter. A few entries appear regarding donations from her family, but nothing beyond that.

Another thing that doesn’t add up.


See if you can get any info out of her about it. I’ll talk to her about her schedule when you get back.


Sounds good. We’ll be back in a couple of hours.


You can come home now. This wasn’t part of the plan.

I stretch my head left and right until my neck makes a satisfyingcrack, trying to push the growing irritation away.

Unexpected events always get my blood boiling.