“It’s too soon for that. I’ve thought about this long and hard, and at this point, the foundation is the best thing for me to do to clear my name. Unless you want the company stocks to dip again.”
That shuts him up fast because there isn’t much that my father cares about more than his money.
After my arrest, many investors jumped ship, and it took my father a while to get the enterprise value back to where it used to be. He wouldn’t risk that again. I’m surprised he didn’t think about that himself.
I shrug. “Plus, this will be a nice opportunity to launder money in the future.”
“Fine, have it your way.” He stays quiet and studies me until his facial muscles relax slightly. “Evangeline will certainly be your golden ticket with this. Someone with her social standing might be the only one who can convince people to do business with you. Smart move.”
I want to tell him to screw himself, that I don’t need Evangeline’s help for anything, but that would blow up my whole cover. He doesn’t know Evangeline put me in prison, or he would have never agreed to do business with Byron.And that would have prevented me from getting my hands on my little traitor, at least in the way I have now.
“I’m sure she’ll be a great asset.” I push the words through gritted teeth.
“Good.” He claps me on the shoulder once before he makes his way back to his oversized mahogany desk. “I don’t have to remind you not to screw this up. I don’t care if you fuck her, but don’t let your emotions get involved. I’ve raised you better than that.”
I want to laugh at the ridiculousness of ever having feelings for Evangeline, but the admonishment he just delivered has me biting the inside of my cheek hard enough to taste the coppery tinge of blood. God, how badly I want to give him a piece of my mind, but I can’t do that if I ever want to take over the company. I wouldn’t put it past my father to keep it from me as punishment for getting in his way, or even for standing up to him.
Just like my parents never visited me while I was in prison. I saw them once before my trial, and my dad used that opportunity to tell me if I was stupid enough to get caught, I’d have to deal with the consequences by myself too. He sent someone to check on me in prison periodically to make sure I wasn’t stepping out of line.
So, I nod. “Of course, Father.”
“Visit your mother sometime soon so she stops whining.” He waves a hand toward the door, his attention already back on the papers in front of him.
My dismissal.
What a waste of time to come here for this instead of having the conversation on the phone. Just another one of his many tactics to show his power over me.
I march toward the bank of elevators. One opens, and the two men who were animatedly chatting scurry toward the corner when they see me.
Scary ex-con, yes.
I lean back against the wall and close my eyes. My father has a gift to rile me up like no one else.
Except for Evangeline. She’s on a whole different level.
My phone buzzes, and I take it out to check the screen.
Have you told the bitch yet? Maybe it’s time to reveal your secret.
Chapter 7
Stop pacing and just open the damn door. What could possibly go wrong?
I want to snort at the ridiculous voice in my head because whathasn’tgone wrong in the last few days?
No, make that years.
Not a lot of things, that is.
The pain in my head rises to near-impossible levels, and I stop in the middle of the room.
In a bedroom.
At Phoenix’s house.