Her chest heaves. She says goodbye to us, not sparing a glance in Holden’s direction. “I hope you’ll enjoy the show. And happy birthday, Evangeline. I’d like to get in touch with you sometime soon if that’s okay.”
I nod like a robot and wave after my girl crush, who just kneed my best friend in the balls.
When we’re back at the house hours later, my throat is sore, my voice pretty much gone, and I’ve never been happier. Phoenix stands by the open car door in the garage, waiting for me to get out. When I finally move my tired butt, he turns around and crouches.
“Hop on.”
I smile. “Best day ever.”
He chuckles. “So you’ve said.”
I climb on, and he stands, walking us through the garage and into the house. I press my nose into his neck, enjoying the smell of cologne, leftover heat from tonight, and something male that’s uniquely Phoenix. I have no clue how he manages to get up the stairs with my extra weight on his back, but somehow, he makes it to our bedroom, where he deposits me on the bed.
He turns to leave, but I grab his shirt and haul him toward me, capturing his lips with mine. “Thank you fortoday. It seriously was amazing. A million times better than I thought it would be.”
Shifting his weight onto his elbows, he stares into my eyes and brushes my hair back with both hands. The motion is soothing and comforting, and I hum in pleasure.
“Most of it was Holden’s doing, but I think you’ve already thanked him about seventy-five times.” He presses his lips together to keep from laughing.
“What was up with him today anyway? I mean, besides the whole kick to the balls. He was already cranky before that, but then he clearly enjoyed the show.”
Phoenix shrugs. “He hasn’t told me much either, but they definitely have a complicated history. I think that much is clear.”
I nod, lost in thought, replaying everything that happened today for the millionth time. “I thought he was going to go after Olivia’s manager when he came out and took her away so rudely. Not that I blame him, that guy is an asshole. I wonder what she sees in him since she seems like such a nice woman.”
He taps his index finger on my nose. “You, of all people, should know you can’t always trust what you see in public. Some people hide their demons better than others.”
His comment throws me back into my mind, flitting around too fast for me to make out anything until it stops at an image of my best friend. “At least Ruby seemed to have a good time.”
Phoenix nods. “She did.”
Ruby has had the most challenging time adjusting after Tyler’s kidnapping last year. She’s retreated into herself, nowmerely a shell of her old self. We’ve all been trying to help, but there’s only so much we can do from the outside.
“She’ll get better, Angel.”
“I hope so. I miss my friend.”
“I know you do.”
We’re quiet until Phoenix’s lips find mine in a soft kiss. “I’m sorry you’re hurting.”
“I just want to help her. It’s been almost a year.”
“She needs to figure it out by herself. Remember what Dr. Johnson said. Everyone handles trauma differently, and that’s normal. You’re there for her, and she knows it. She’ll talk to you when she’s ready.”
“Yeah.” I exhale loudly, always frustrated when we talk about Ruby. I hate feeling so helpless.
Once Ruby, Mason, and I recovered after the Tyler incident, we sat together, and I told them everything. We cried for hours, our eyes and faces swollen and blotchy by the time the night ended. We all know that life will never be the same after what happened, but we’re trying our best. And while I’ve talked to Phoenix, Holden, and Dr. Johnson about everything that transpired in great detail, Ruby and Mason seem to just want to forget. And that’s fair too.
Phoenix gives me a gentle smile. “Do you want to take a bath?”
I frown. “A bath? Now? It’s past midnight.”
He only shrugs. “So what? It’ll relax you.”
Warm water lapping around me does sound good. “Okay. But only if you’ll join me.”
“Anything for you.” He rolls off me, pulling me with him.