Eve chuckles. “Stop being such a grump. Maybe you’re just a terrible patient.”
Holden walks over to us, raised brows in tow. “A very ungrateful patient too.”
I shake my head. “Nope. You guys are definitely the problem. I’m fine. I can get up and do things myself.”
“Dude.” Holden lifts his hand like he plans to push me back on the mattress and hold me there. “You got shot and had emergency surgery. You almost died. One inch to the left, and?—”
“Trust me, I’m well aware I got lucky. But we’ve been home for almost three weeks now, and you guys still act like I got shot yesterday.”
Eve sidles up next to him, giving me her best glare. “The doctor said you have to take it easy for at least four to six weeks.”
I nod. “Easy, yes. But he didn’t say I needed to be chained to the bed.”
She flinches at the choice of words, and I immediately say, “Sorry, I didn’t . . . ah, shit.”
Her features soften. “I know you didn’t, don’t worry about it.”
Eve climbs onto the bed and snuggles up to me with her head on my good side. “We just want you to heal as quickly as possible and not be in more pain than necessary.”
I press my lips to her forehead, swallowing the hiss that wants to escape at the shift. “I know.”
And I do know. I wouldn’t feel any different if the roles were reversed, but I also hate being so confined. I want to get up and do things. Move around. Feel productive.
I want to live.
Be with my wife.
I breathe her in, her floral scent filling my nostrils. “You know, the doctor also said during my last checkup that I’m cleared for minor physical activities. I just can’t overdo it.”
I wiggle my brows, and Eve laughs.
“Aaaaand that’s my cue to leave.” Holden snatches something from the side table and heads toward the bedroom door. “Holler if you need anything.”
“Sorry,” Eve yells after him, unable to hide the giggle in her voice. “And thank you.”
“Yes, thank you, Holden,” I repeat her words.
“No problem.”
The door clicks shut behind him, and then it’s just Eve and me. My wife and me.
I smile at her. “Hi.”
The corners of her eyes crinkle as she chuckles. “Hey, handsome.”
I lift my right hand and wince. But I want to touch her badly enough to ignore it for at least a little while. Long enough to brush my fingers over her cheek. Along her jaw. Her lips. “So, how about that minor physical activity?”
She buries her face into my good shoulder. “I am not going to have sex with you.”
I grunt. “Party pooper. How about you sit on my face and suffocate me with that sweet pussy of yours?”
Her laughter is muffled. “Oh my God, you’re terrible.”
I inhale deeply. “I just finally want to fuck my wife.”
That sobers her up, and she looks at me somberly. “I know. I can’t wait to be with you again too. But it’s not worth it if it prolongs your recovery time. Your health is my number one priority.Youare my number one priority.”
“Of course, you have to be perfectly reasonable, kind, and lovable about denying me. Figures.”