When she seems satisfied, she sits back on her heels. “Shit, man. This is all really bad, isn’t it?”
I’m about to reply just as the doorbell rings.
We all stare toward the entryway like the Devil himself is waiting on the other side of the door, ready to collect our souls.
Mason gets up. “Stay here, I’ll get it.”
Since we’re seated around the corner, I don’t have an actual view of the front door or the visitor. The swoosh of the door is the only indication Mason actually opened it. Other than that, there are several beats of silence.
I’m about to jump off the couch to see what’s going on when Mason sighs.
“What doyouwant?”
“I’m here to get Evangeline.” The deep voice is laced with both amusement and authority. What a strange combination.
“She’s not going anywhere with you. Tell Phoenix the deal is off.” Mason’s voice is low and surprisingly hard.
My mouth drops open.
He’s usually so calm-mannered and gentle.
The other guy chuckles. “Good to know. Tell her she’s got five minutes.”
I’m out of my seat this time, ready to tell whoever’s at the door to screw themselves.
But by the time I reach the door, it’s already closed, with Mason sagging against it.
He presses a hand to his chest. “Shit. That guy is a scary motherfucker.”
“Who?” I halt in front of him, rising onto my toes to see through the peephole.
Of course, I can’t make out anything but a black SUV parked by the curb.
Mason gives a shaky laugh. “That huge guy Phoenix was with at the party. He gives the impression he could snap anyone in half in less than a second.”
I think for a moment but shake my head when I come up empty. “I remember you talking about him, but I can’t remember what he looks like.”
“Probably for the best.” Mason checks all the locks and takes my hand to drag me after him through the open living room and into the kitchen. “I need a drink.”
“Already on it.” Ruby is in front of us.
She climbs on the counter with one knee to reach the shot glasses before lining them neatly on the island between us. Mason fills them with clear liquor. I have no idea what it is or where it came from. One of them shoves a glass into my hand, and I take it, working on autopilot. We clink glasses, and I down the shot. The liquid burns in my throat and all the way down to my stomach, slowly settling into a comforting warmth.
“Another one.” My voice sounds weird, even to my ears, but I ignore it. I need this.
After my third shot, the burning travels through my entire body. It feels incredible.
I hold out my glass for another refill at the same time as an ear-splintering noise fills the room.
“Fuck. Get down and behind the island,” Mason yells.
I’m frozen, unable to take my eyes off the massive man striding toward me.
His stride is casual like he doesn’t have a care in the world.
If he were walking past me on the street, I’d probably stop and stare too. It’s impossible not to. He’s dressed entirely in black, with his dark hair pulled away from his face in what seems to be a man bun. I can’t be sure from this angle. A thick, well-groomed beard covers the bottom half of his face, somehow accentuating his smile.
Why is he smiling at me?