Page 137 of Tangled In Lies

Okay, maybe that’s putting it on a bit thick, but I think everyone desires to be loved.

He raises an eyebrow and trains his razor-sharp gaze on me. “Are you talking from experience now that the stakes have changed?”

I tug at the hem of my shirt. “I don’t know what you mean.”

“You know exactly what I mean. Things aren’t the same anymore as when you both entered this game.”

I sigh, fully aware of his deflection. “I don’t know if anything has changed. We haven’t really talked about it.”

He gets in my space. “Bullshit. Everything has changed, Princess, and you know it. Now the question is, doyouwant to take the risk? A wise person once told me everyone deserves a chance with their soulmate, so maybe it’s time foryou to make the first move. Happy endings only happen to those brave enough to conquer their fears.”

I want to stick out my tongue at him for being cheeky, but his words hit home too much. It’s everything I’ve been feeling, everything I’ve been worried about.

And damn him for being right. Of course I’m scared. Not wanting to bring this up with Phoenix is one-hundred-percent fear holding me back.

Noise comes from the house, and we both watch Phoenix approach. He eyes us with suspicion, his narrowed eyes moving back and forth between Holden and me like he could pluck out our thoughts by sheer will.

“Anything I should know about?” His words carry across the breeze.

I jump up and smile at him. “Yes. Holden and I will see Olivia Parker together when she’s at Madison Square Garden next year. It’s his early birthday present for me.”

Phoenix shifts his gaze to Holden, tilting his head at his friend. “Is it now?”

Holden also stands, effectively towering over us, with that dang eyebrow raised again. “The princess thinks I need to conquer my fears.”

“Conquer your fears? By going to a concert?” A noise escapes Phoenix like he’s trying to hold back a laugh.

Holden rolls his shoulders. “Yup. Something about soulmates and shit.”

This time, Phoenix chuckles. As do I. When he says it like that, it does sound funny. But I’ve noticed that’s his thing. No matter how sad or serious something is, Holden has a talent to make it sound silly. I once asked him why he went to prison, and he told me it was because sometimes youthink you’re a knight in shining armor but then it turns out you’re just a villain in tinfoil after all.

The mountain of a man, who’s somehow wormed his way into my heart too, grabs his things from the chair and gives us a little salute. “Anyway, you kids have fun with your ownconquests.”

He stomps up the path, turning left at the end to head to his bungalow.

Phoenix interlaces his fingers with mine and pulls me closer. “I’m not sure if poking the bear is the right thing to do here. Some things are better left in ruins.”

Is he still talking about Holden or us?

Worry immediately takes over my brain, but I try to shake it off and say, “Maybe.”

“I guess only time will tell.” His lips meet mine in a gentle kiss. “Are you ready for dinner? I wanted to talk to you about something.”

Dread hits my stomach like lead, but I smile at him. “Food sounds good.”

I follow him to the house, knowing whatever comes next will change everything. But Holden was right; maybe it’s time to conquer my fears. I can’t give him the satisfaction of preaching to the choir when I don’t follow my own advice.

Phoenix leads me through the house and up the flights of steps, his hand in mine the only thing that keeps me moving. I barely pay attention to our surroundings, halfway expecting to end up in the bedroom because we’ve been spendinga lotof time there.

But we ascend one more flight of stairs until we push through a door that leads us onto the rooftop. We’ve been up here before, and it’s a beautiful place with an infinitypool and the most stunning view of this tropical paradise. But something is different today. Not only is there a spectacular feast on a table for two, but the pool now also features gorgeous trays of chilled treats and drinks.

Pool floats.

“There you are.” Phoenix walks into the kitchen of the pool house, his eyes taking me in from top to bottom in my bikini and thin cover-up. Lately, his gaze has lingered for longer, and I really hope it’s because he’s interested in me.

He swoops me into his big arms, crushing me against his chest. My heart pounds behind my rib cage, and I’m afraid he can feel it through the thin material separating us. He inhales, breathing me in, and goosebumps erupt on my body.

“Happy birthday, Angel.” He stays there for one more deep inhale, then shifts his attention to the counter and the pool floats I put together.