“Whoops, sorry.” Holden chuckles.
I glare at him over my shoulder.
But then I see Michelle’s gaze as she takes him in with that familiar spark in her eyes, and I smile at him. “No worries at all.”
Let’s see how he’ll like that.
My smile becomes predatory. I turn back to my fiancée and find her on her toes, trying to get her bag into the overhead compartment. Her shirt has ridden up, and since I’m such a helpful person, I step up behind her and give the bag the shove it needs. My dick presses into her lower back, and the little minx pushes back against me.
This flight might be more interesting than I thought it would be. It’s never too late for me to use the bedroom in the back for something other than sleeping.
Holden’s groan sounds around us. “If you guys do this the entire time, I will drown myself in the ocean. At least have the decency to do it behind closed doors. I’m entirely okay with lying by the beach by myself, trust me.”
Eve makes a choking noise. Her cheeks flush pink prior to peeking over my shoulder at our third wheel. “Sorry, Hold.”
“It’s okay, Princess. You didn’t do anything wrong.” He winks at her.
I already deeply regret bringing him.
But he deserves this break too. Plus, he wants to wait and see how this Ben mess plays out in the next week or so as well. And there was no way I was going to take someone else with us.
So here we are, a merry band of three.
We take our seats, Eve and me on one side of the aisle and Holden on the other. That guy needs both seats anyway with his frame.
Unfortunately, Michelle is back, giving us her flight safety and emergency speech. I try to tune her out, but ignoring her suggestive stares and winks is impossible. Even the massive ring on Eve’s finger doesn’t deter her, though I shouldn’t be surprised matrimonial vows mean nothing to her.
They just so happen to mean something to me, though, at least where the woman next to me is concerned.
I ban all thoughts of our engagement going up in flames once I confront her. Yes, it’s a possibility, but I’m not ready for that yet. I want to exist in this bubble while we’re gone and have my fill of her.
Just in case.
Afterward, we’ll have the conversation we need to have.
Evangeline leans in and says, “Did you have sex with her?”
I think she’s trying to whisper, but if the snickers coming from the other side of the aisle are any indication, she wasn’t as quiet as she’d hoped.
I sigh, purposefully not keeping my voice down. “Never have and never will.”
Michelle stumbles over her next words but quickly catches herself, being the professional she is.
At least, there’s that.
Eve’s cheeks have turned a dark shade of pink while she listens to the instructions.
Ten minutes later, we finally take off. I go over some final paperwork for the foundation, which I’ll hopefully be able to get off the ground soon. Eve has been my number one priority since the explosion, and everything else has taken a back seat.
Per typical bookworm fashion, Eve is cuddled up with a blanket and lost in a story on her e-reader. When we’re high up in the air and the seat belt signs turn off, she’s squirming.
I lean in. “You okay?”
“Yeah, all good.” She glances at me before focusing back on her screen.
Such a liar.
She continues to squirm, and I put a hand on her thigh to make her stop.