Holden’s features tighten. “I know.”
Once Eve’s feet hit the floor, she’s a bundle of nerves. Pacing, wringing her fingers, glancing up and down, left and right, until she stares straight at Holden and inhales deeply like she needs to work herself up to the question. “Did they say what other evidence they found?”
He holds her gaze. “O’Neal said there were videos and photos of you from the last few years.”
Her lip wobbles as she takes in that information.
“I will kill him.” I pronounce each word slowly, trying to control the rising anger inside me before I do something I’ll regret later. The need to pick up the nearest object and throw it is nearly impossible to subdue.
Holden turns toward me. “He said he can give you five minutes with him if you . . . you know, in case you had anyquestionsfor him.”
Holden’s doing a terrible job hiding the double meaning, but either Eve didn’t hear it, or she’s ignoring it.
The happiness and exuberance from just minutes ago are gone. She’s clutching her arms to her chest, and her skin is visibly paler than before. She looks so broken, and I know she’s lost in her memories.
I want to hold her and be there for her, but before I can step toward her, Holden speaks up again.
“Phoenix, if you want to do this, you have to leave right now. Niko and Darrell are waiting downstairs for you. Unless you want me to come with you?”
I shake my head. “No, you stay here with Eve.”
Unable to leave without at least holding her in my arms one more time, I pull her close and tilt her face upward. She blinks at me with her lost gaze.
“I have to leave for a few hours, but Hold will stay with you, okay?”
I press my lips to hers before she can say anything, letting my senses wash over every detail of her. Then, I force myself to step back and head downstairs.
My hand connectswith Ben’s face again. This time, the asshole collapses, and a satisfying crunch of breaking bone occupies the air.
O’Neal steps between us, glaring down at the man as if he also wants to get a kick in while he’s down. I certainly wouldn’t hold him back.
“I’m afraid this is where the fun has to end. Any more, and no one will believe he fell down the stairs somewhere.”
He cackles like this is just another ordinary day for him, and maybe it is, but I don’t care. O’Neal is the reason I have this moment, so I can’t complain about his police procedures or the lack thereof.
He grabs Ben by the back of his polo shirt and pulls him up. Blood gushes from his nose, dripping into his mouth and down his chin.
Although Holden and I considered him as a suspect, I never truly expected some run-of-the-mill middle-aged guy to be our psychopath. But then, it only proves you often have no idea what’s a façade and what hides behind it. My father is a prime example of what evil can look like in a fit body and custom-tailored suit.
O’Neal drags Ben to his car. So far, he hasn’t said a single word. His only reaction was surprise when I arrived that quickly morphed into disgust, right before my fist connected with his face.
Ben dips his head to get into the car.
I ask my question one last time. “Why did you do it?”
He spins around and sneers at me. “Because you and your precious fiancée were the easiertargets.”
“Easier than who?”
Spittle flies out of his mouth. “Your piece-of-shit father and hers. You’re all a bunch of entitled assholes, and the world would be a better place without all of you. You deserve to rot in Hell.”
O’Neal raises a brow at me before he pushes Ben inside the car. “Don’t listen to him. He’s a dickhead who’ll be gone for a very, very long time.”
I push my hands into my pockets, wincing when my knuckles brush the fabric. “Thanks for the call.”
“Anytime. I’ll let you know if we find anything else.” He gives me a small salute and slips into his undercover police car.
I watch them leave, staring at the spot on the horizon where they disappeared long after they’re gone.