How bad of an idea would it be to strangle them for taking her away from me?
Not only did Ruby and Mason pop up right next to us on the dance floor, interrupting our precious time, but it was also right when I was about to ask Eve what she was thanking me for.
Now, I still don’t know.
But something happened on the dance floor, that much I’m sure of.
Even the kiss felt different.
Holden steps in front of me, and I shift to the side to avoid losing sight of Eve.
He laughs again. “I’ve seen a lot in my life, but never a man so obsessed with a woman.”
I merely shrug, because what’s the point of denying it? We both know it’s the truth.
“I always thought your fixation on her was a bit over the top, but she put you in prison, so I understood. But now Ireallyunderstand.”
I spare him a glance. But only for two seconds. “Understand what?”
“Oh no, I’m not telling you. Where would the fun be in that?”
This time, he gets a glare from me. “I don’t even know what you’re talking about anymore.”
Holden grins. “I know, which is why this is so hilarious.”
A low sound comes from my throat. “This guy doesn’t know what’s good for him, I swear.”
Holden follows my gaze to Tyler, who has joined the trio, handing Eve a champagne glass from his tray with a smile. She takes it from him, and their fingers touch. I want to rip his clean off his hand.
I knew he would be here, we’d vetted everyone, but Holden told me we’re not the assholes who keep scholarship kids from making some earnest money. That doesn’t mean I have to like it though.
“Relax, dude. He reminds me of someone else who doesn’t know what’s good for him either.” He wiggles his eyebrows at me. “Plus, haven’t you heard that he and Ruby are an item now?”
That’s news, but I still want to wipe the smirk off his face.
With my fist.
I glance back at the group. Tyler whispers something in Ruby’s ear, and she giggles. Then he’s off into the crowd. Eve peers at me over her shoulder, her lips curving into a genuine smile when our gazes meet.
I nod at Holden. “I think we’ve been here long enough. Let’s say our goodbyes and go home.”
“Couldn’t agree more,boss.”
He says “boss” like some people would say cockroach, and I mutter, “Asshole.” His laughter follows me all the way to Eve.
I slide my arm around her waist, and my body instantly relaxes at the contact. I know it’s stupid to think I can keep her safe as long as I’m by her side, but it’s the only thing that calms me these days. I despise the moments I’m without her. Is that healthy? Probably not, but I don’t give a fuck.
Like Holden pointed out, I’m a man obsessed.
I lean close to her ear and say, “Are you ready to leave?”
She shivers, and I bite my cheek to suppress my reaction.
The things I want to do to her.
But I don’t think she’s ready for that yet.
For now, the memory of her on my lap in my office has to be enough to hold me over.