Page 110 of Tangled In Lies

Phoenix stares at me for a moment, like he’s trying to decide how much to tell me. “She never told me when or how exactly it started, just that they were involved, and that he told her he was in the midst of separating from his wife, which wasn’t easy because of the kids. They continued to meet in secret for months, and when she told him about the pregnancy, he laughed in her face and said she was delusional if she thought he’d want a baby with her.”

“He said that?”

“That’s what Connie told me.”

“What an asshole.” I mull over this new information. “I’m glad you beat him up.”

The instant the words leave my lips, I slap a hand over my mouth, and Phoenix laughs. It’s deep and rich, and my stomach does a weird flutter thing.

I chuckle. “I can’t believe I just said that.”

“I’m glad you did.”

“Stop.” I chuckle some more. “You know what I meant. I appreciate what you did for her. It means a lot.”

With that, the happy moment is over before I’m ready, and something changes in Phoenix’s expression.

“Since we’re asking questions. Holden and I have been thinking about suspects. Did you ever have a hunch who Freddy could be? I’m sure you’ve thought about it plenty of times.”

I sigh. “To the point of migraines. But no. For a while I suspected everyone, but no one made sense. No one I’ve ever met was outright hostile to me. So either Freddy is a good actor or I’ve never met him. Assuming it’s a guy, of course.”

“Yeah, I know exactly what you mean. I’ve been thinking too. Overanalyzing. Wondering who could be Freddy.” He pauses. “Do you remember when I was in the city the week before the explosion?”

The week something changed between us. “Of course.”

“I ran into two guys from school in the hotel lobby after one of my meetings. They came out of the hotel bar with a group of friends, all of them drunk off their asses. Anyway, they’ve always been total shitheads to me, but to a degree I didn’t blame them because my dad slept with both of their moms, destroying at least one of the marriages as far as I know. Maybe both.”

My eyes widen. “What on earth?”

His eyebrows lift. “I’m surprised you haven’t heard about it since my dad never even tries to be discreet about his affairs. Not even for my sake. Once, in high school, I told him some of the women are my friends’ moms and because he can’t keep his dick in his pants, my friends turned on me. You know what he said? To stop being such a pussy and to use it as a learning experience to show them who’s superior.”

I’m so stunned, I just stare at him. “Your dad is just . . . wow, I don’t know what to say. And then those guys stopped you at the hotel?”

He sighs. “Yeah. I saw Michael at another event last month, but he only sneered at me from across the room. This time, he got in my face. Both of their dads used to work for my dad, but I didn’t know until later on they were fired. One, years ago, and the other just recently. Which might be the reason why they approached me now. Michael said I’m scum and don’t belong in their circle after my prison time. That they should have kept me locked up forever because people like my dad and me always ruin everything. Then his best buddy, Owen, had to chime in too and?—”

“Wait. Owen? My brother brought an Owen home once from college for some event. Preppy guy, sleazy smile, short blond curls. His dad used to work with my dad back then too. Dang it. What was his last name again? Something with R?”

Phoenix tilts his head to the side. “Rodgers?”

I wrinkle my nose. “Yes, that’s him. Owen Rodgers. Total douchebag. Tried hitting on me and didn’t take no for an answer. I’m pretty sure he was trying to get into my room that one night he stayed, but I made sure to lock my door when I went to bed.”

Phoenix’s eyes are small slits as he stares at me. “He what?”

“Nothing happened.” I shrug and put my hand on his arm.

The veins in his neck pulse angrily. “Now it makes a lot more sense what he said.”

“What did he say?”

His gaze softens a fraction when he looks at me. “That he hopes I’ll rot in Hell with my prude bitch of a fiancée.”

A laugh bursts out of me, and I wave my hand around in front of me. “I’m sorry. I know this isn’t funny, but, man . . . it’s just so stupid.”

Now that I’ve started, I can’t stop laughing. And it feels good, cathartic even, and so much better than crying too.

Phoenix stares at me with such an odd expression that I stop and brush over my face.

“Is there something on my face?”