Our home. My home. Something this place with the shiny floors, crystal chandeliers, and more rooms than anyone could ever use was never able to accomplish. Though I do miss the library a lot, especially my personal one. Since I wasn’t able to fit all of my books in my room at our house, they’re stored away for now, alongside all of my sheet music I can’t bear to look at anymore.
The door at the far end is open, and loud male voices drift out into the hallway. Each step is harder to take than the previous one, and I fight the liquid in my stomach every inch of the way.
Stupid nervous stomach.
All eyes are on me when I enter the large space, and my heartbeat picks up immediately at the sight in front of me. Not only are both of my parents here and my brother, but also Phoenix and his parents.
This can’t be good.
The dark leather and wood decor blends into the background. All I can focus on are the people in the room.
Phoenix lounges in the brown leather love seat that’s perpendicular to the one his parents occupy. My father sits in his massive wing chair opposite them, like the king he deems himself to be, with my mother dutifully standing by his side, though slightly behind, and my brother in a chair beside them. As always. Them versus me.
“There you are, Evangeline. We’ve been waiting for you.” My father’s slightly narrowed eyes don’t hide the annoyancehis voice manages to. He points at the spot on the couch next to Phoenix. “Sit.”
I walk to the couch but stay standing beside it. No way in hell am I willingly going to sit next to Phoenix. “I’ll stand for now, thank you.”
Knowing it’s expected of me, I shift my attention to Phoenix’s parents and dip my head. “It’s lovely to see you, Mr. and Mrs. Montgomery.”
A small smile is all I can muster, but it has to be enough. They both give me their own practiced smiles, the one you learn early on in these circles. It passes as socially acceptable and friendly enough without being over the top.
However, Mr. Montgomery might have to practice some more. His was gone before it ever fully formed on his face, transforming it into a grimace. He openly studies me, taking me in from top to bottom, like he’s trying to figure out if I’ll pass the test. A test I’m unaware of.
The scrutiny continues as I stay frozen in place, the brown rug at my feet suddenly the most interesting thing in this room.
“You’re in your last year at AV University?”
Mr. Montgomery’s question catches me off guard. I can’t remember if he’s ever directly talked to me before, and I’m also fairly certain he already knows the answer to that question.
I clear my throat. “Yes, sir. I’ll graduate next spring.”
He nods, immediately reminding me of those strange bobblehead figures Mason finds hilarious.
“And you’re planning on heading to the UK office right after graduation?”
Where is he going withthis?
Let’s just get through this and go back home, and then we can forget about this strange interaction.
“Mmm, yes. That’s still the plan. To learn the ropes while I get my MBA.”
I don’t glance at my father for confirmation. I might break down right this very second if I saw a single speck of doubt in his gaze. Getting out of here and as far away from my family and all the other crap in my life is the only good thing about having to work in a job, in an industry, I’ve never wanted anything to do with.
Whereas I was always just interested in my piano and escaping into the made-up world of my favorite books, my sister inherited our dad’s brain for business and finances. She was basically a numbers wizard, which made her the perfect candidate to take over the UK office of Caldwell & Company, our global management consulting firm, while my brother will take over the U.S. main office. But if dealing with numbers and business procedures for the foreseeable future will allow me to get out of here, I’ll pay that price.
Phoenix’s father hums under his breath but stops questioning me.
My dad takes that as his cue and clasps his hands together. He’s suddenly sporting a huge grin, his joyful attitude immediately putting me on edge. My insides feel like they’re quivering, and I hold on to the back of the couch for support.
My death grip on the cool material gets even worse when my father focuses his smile on me.
“Evangeline, we had a lovely conversation with the Montgomerys, and we all agreed it’s best to leave the past in the past and focus on the future instead. We once had greatplans for our families and empires, and we’d like to circle back to that great partnership with you.”
My breathing has sped up with every word from his mouth.
We once had great plans.
My sister marrying Phoenix.