Footsteps echo through the halls, then stop somewhere close by. I poke my head out of my office like a creep to see what they’re doing, only to draw back a split second later after seeing where they stopped: in front of the music room.
“Is today the day, Princess?” Holden sounds optimistic.
But he’s met with silence, and I hate that I can't see her. Iwant to gauge her reaction and read every single millimeter of her face as I’ve done for so much of my life.
“Come on, then, Princess. Maybe tomorrow.” Holden’s voice is gentle yet still cheerful.
For a moment, I wonder if that’s exactly what she needs right now and why they get along so well.
He’s the light she needs.
I’m the darkness, only pulling her farther into the deep abyss.
Their footsteps pick back up, and I sink into the shadows of my office and close my eyes.
My head hurts.
They pause again, and Eve says, “Phoenix said he’d be right back.”
Holden chuckles under his breath. “I’m sure something came up and he’ll pop out of a dark corner any second. As your official knight in shining armor, he can’t leave you alone for too long, right?”
There’s Eve’s laugh again. It’s quiet but real.
Something in my chest settles into place upon hearing it.
Maybe I should give the bastard a raise.
They resume down the hallway and the stairs. I wait another minute to follow, both wanting to see Eve but also dreading to tell her the news.
Chapter 27
Every day I spend with Phoenix, I fall farther down the rabbit hole. By the end of the week, I crave his company. I’m so aware of him that I’m distracted by him lounging a few feet away from me on the couch. Currently, he’s frowning at the tablet in his hands, possibly looking at something his father sent him since that always seems to frustrate him.
Unable to focus on my book, I gave up on reading a few minutes ago, playing with the PopSocket on the back of my e-reader instead. Pushing it down and pulling it back up. Push, pull. Push, pull. Pop, pop, pop.
His voice has a warning tone to it, and I stop immediately.
“Ask what you want to ask.”
I grimace. Of course, he sees right through me. “Are you sure?”
I internally cringe at the memory of how our conversation went last night when I asked him if he and Connie ever had sex. I didn’t want to ask, but Ireallyneeded to know the answer. The relief that rushed through me when he told me their relationship was purely platonic almost knocked me off my feet.
Phoenix puts the tablet on the cushion next to him and turns my way. “That was our rule, right? AMA. Ask Me Anything, and you shall receive an answer.” He bites the corner of his lip. “Maybe.”
My gaze follows his movement, and I stare at his lips. Craving his company hasn’t been the only urge that has grown. I’m also longing for his touch. Not just his lips or hands on me but also the comfort his embrace provides.
Heat rises up my neck, but I pretend he didn’t just catch me ogling him again. “Do you know how everything with Connie and Chris happened? Like were they dating, or was it a one-night stand situation? I still don’t really know much about it.”