There was a time when I appreciated his tenacity and drive and even admired the way he ruled his empire with an iron fist. I believed him when he told me it was necessary to keep people from stomping all over you. Once, I was impatiently awaiting that much power one day. Excited to have the respect of so many people simply for running a multi-billion-dollar company. That was before I went to prison.
“Phoenix.” My father barks my name, his voice full of annoyance.
He exhales loudly, probably wondering why I’m such a disappointment.
“I wanted to make sure you’ll be on your best behavior at the party this weekend. After?—”
“What party are you talking about?”
“Where’s your respect, Son? You know better than to interrupt me. And I’m talking about your engagement party. What else would I be talking about?”
My brain is spinning in circles, sifting through my memories but coming up empty. “This is the first I heard of the party.”
“Can’t trust anyone these days to do their fucking job. After the ratherinconvenientevent, Byron and I gave the okay to the wedding planner last week to put something together as soon as possible. The shareholders are getting anxious, and you know we can’t have that happen again. So I expect an exceptional performance from you and the girl for some much-needed good press.”
My ears are ringing, the wordsrather inconvenient eventon repeat in my head.
“I’m sorry someone tried to kill me.” No matter how hard I try, I can’t keep the bite out of my voice. “And you’re talking about my future wife, so how about you show her the proper respect and call her by her name?”
He laughs. He fucking laughs like the sociopath he is.
“Well, well. All it took was a small explosion for you to grow some balls, huh?”
I squeeze my free hand so hard my knuckles scream in pain. I’d refuse to believe this man was my father if I wasn’t such a spitting image of him. When I was younger, I thought not being like him was bad and that I lacked what it took to be as successful as he was. Now, I see it for what it really is: a blessing.
I try to open my mouth to speak and give him a real piece of my mind, but my jaw is clenched so hard it’s impossible to open.
My dad sighs, and it’s easy to picture the exasperation on his face. “You’re more dramatic by the day, just like your mother. Just smile for the camera and behave, somethingmenial I assume you and yourfiancéecanmanage for a few hours.”
He says the wordfiancéewith so much disdain and sarcasm I’m surprised it’s not dripping from my phone.
I need to end this call. “Of course, sir. Anything else?”
“I expect a report soon on how your little project is going. Once it’s ready to launch, we’ll ensure every news outlet covers it so you can be redeemed in public. It’s taken long enough already as it is with all of these setbacks. The faster we can get this over with, the better. And stop requesting files from my employees. For all intents and purposes, you’re not a part of my company at the moment and need to earn your way back into it first.”
Over my dead bodyis the first thought that pops into my head, which might be too early to joke about, even though the sentiment hasn’t changed. If I could get out of working for my dad without losing my entire inheritance, I’d be on that in a heartbeat. Plus, my grandfather wanted us to work together, and who am I to deny him his last wish?
I say, “Yes, sir,” like the obedient son he expects me to be.
The line disconnects, because why would my father ever bother with pleasantries if it doesn’t make him money?
The words my grandfather’s friend uttered a while back about my dad pop into my mind.
“He’s made a lot of enemies, and if you stand by his side, he’ll drag you right to Hell with him.”
Enemies who would get me locked up first and then try to kill me?
A war has broken out inside me, and I’m not sure which side will win: disgust for my father or the worry how Eve will react when she hears about our engagement party inless than a week, and the show we have to put on for everyone.
Eventually, the pounding rain and swaying trees calm me enough to see her. She doesn’t deserve the leftovers of my anger and irritation that are solely my father’s doing. Never hers. Not anymore.
I open my door and freeze when laughter travels down the hallway. Eve’s laughter. A sound I’ve been longing to hear all week, despite knowing she might not be ready for it yet. Holden’s laughter follows a moment later, mixing with hers. I was gone for less than half an hour, and he’s accomplished what I’ve tried to do all week.
I love her beautiful smile, but nothing compares to her alluring laugh. It was one of my favorite things about her when we were younger. The days I heard her laugh were some of my happiest. Even my dad couldn’t sour my mood then.
When was the last time I heard a real laugh from her? Jealousy wraps around my throat, squeezing with a sickening smile. I hate it, but I also welcome it. The pain is a reminder of my true feelings. How I ever managed to tell myself I hated this woman is beyond me. She still is the purest and most selfless person I know, and she deserves the world.