Did I hurt Jaxon without noticing?
Her chin lifts as she looks down at my hand, her mouth open wide enough to catch some flies. “What’s that?”
It takes a moment for my heart to slow down.
I catch my lip between my teeth to keep the grin at bay that’s threatening to pop out. “Gabe and I got engaged.”
* * *
“Mo,youproposed to Gabe?” Rose’s eyes twinkle with glee as she laughs loudly, everyone’s eyes on us.
“Yup.” I nod, raising my champagne glass to everyone. “I sure did.”
There are hoots, claps, shouts, and laughter all around the table. All Mitchells are present, and Charlie keeps sending me mixed looks that switch back and forth between annoyance and joy, while Mira bounces on my lap with the excitement only a toddler can have—naturally not having a clue why everyone is so cheerful, but joining in regardless.
After taking a sip from my glass, I put it down on the table and give Mira a big hug. She’s been the center of my attention ever since we got to Charlie and Hudson’s place—afterwe convinced everyone we really needed a shower first to wash off our travel stink, but that we’d catch up with them soon and explain.
“I love it.” Rose slaps one hand on the table, nearly spilling some of her champagne on her sister. “It’s so...you.”
Dahlia, the more reserved of the two—who also finally got out of her cast a few weeks ago—smiles at me. “I’m really happy for you guys.”
Both Gabe and I say, “Thank you,” in perfect sync.
Pretty obvious we’re already pros at this relationship thing.
Even though we’ve only been a couple for three months, it feels so much longer than that. Probably because we’ve been living together for such a long time now, and beingofficiallytogether hasn’t really changed much between us, except the love confessions and lots of whispered sweet nothings into each other’s ears.
Which I have become addicted to. Even though the reason for that might just be the fact that Gabe is my weakness. He’s like my own personal version of catnip, including the urge to rub myself all over him.
After Gabe came to New York and we cleared the air between us, he went back home to take care of some things and to pack a suitcase. He’s been with me ever since, except for the occasional flight to book signings or important meetings.
Having him by my side has made dancing a lot more enjoyable for me again too, putting all the missing puzzle pieces back together. Everyone keeps telling me I’ve never danced as well as I do now. And I have to agree. I’ve never felt as confident or powerful about dancing before either, always missing that special something without realizing what it was.
It’s also been a rather eye-opening experience, showing me I don’t have to choose between my love for dancing and Gabe. That there is more than enough room for both in my life, and my heart. That I’m capable of loving someone else as much as I love dancing.
That realization was such a game changer for me, not to mention a relief, that it knocked the wind out of me for a bit.
Charlie clears her throat next to me. “So, when’s the wedding?”
I blink a few times, trying to shift my gears back to the present. “I’m not sure yet. We haven’t really talked about it. I wanted to elope at this beautiful chateau in France, but you have to reside there for at least forty days to be able to get legally married. Since that wasn’t in the cards, and of course, we would’ve missed all of you guys way too much, we thought we’d just wait and see. Sometime next year, maybe once our schedules free up some more?”
My best friend sits up a little straighter. “You have nothing in mind at all for the wedding itself?”
“Nope. I don’t need anything big, C. You know that. Something small and simple would be totally enough for me.”
She nods, understanding. She’s always been the one with the big dream wedding, wanting a princess dress and whatnot. Whereas most of my life, I wasn’t even sure I’d ever get married.
I turn to Gabe when he yawns loudly.
He gives me a chagrined look. “Sorry. Jet lag’s already catching up with me. I think I’m ready to pass out on the table soon. It just hit me out of nowhere.”
My hand moves over to his thigh, squeezing it lightly. “I hear you. My eyes feel like they have fifty-pound weights on them too.”
Even though there’s nothing special or exciting about this exchange, I’m lost in Gabe’s gaze. I often catch myself staring at him, unable to believe someone as kind, gentle, and brilliant as him loves me back with the same fierceness I love him.
He’s not perfect, and both his writing and my dancing sometimes come in the way of us spending as much time together as we’d like, but he’s perfect to me.