She isn’t really a baby anymore at two, but her cuddles are still as awesome. “Come on, sweetie, let’s go say bye-bye to some people. Can you help me with that?”
Mira giggles and shows me her wave, while saying, “Bye-bye,” over and over again until I tickle her. Looks like someone’s got her princess wave down pat.
Once everyone left, Gabe walks up next to me. His gaze is intense as he studies me and the few dried tears that probably still cling to my cheeks. I would’ve been fine if my friends hadn’t started crying when they said bye.
Charlie had to take Mira from me at some point, so I could get myself together a little bit, at least. I don’t think I’ve ever cried as much as I have in Brooksville. Talk about a town having an influence on me.
This long break from dancing really did do a number on me and my feelings. Just like I told Charlie earlier.
“Ready to head home?” Gabe holds out his hand without another word, and I take it.
We part ways with Hudson and Charlie after a few more minutes, and Gabe pulls me out the door and to his car.
The car ride is extremely silent as we both seem to be stuck in our heads. My mind keeps spinning in circles over everything Hannah and Charlie said to me tonight, slowly but surely driving me crazy.
When we get back to Gabe’s house, it looms in front of us, surrounded by the last specks of orange and pink hues between the otherwise darkening sky. It looks beautiful and somehow also calms my nerves, which is exactly what I need right now.
Gabe pulls the car keys out of the ignition and opens his door. “Come on, let’s go inside. I wasn’t planning on spending the night in the car.”
When he looks at me, I wonder what exactly he does have in mind for tonight.
Chapter Thirty
Theclickof the front door shutting behind me is eerily loud in the otherwise quiet house. I take a moment to collect my thoughts, still rooted to the same spot in the entryway as I stare at the silver keys in my hand. Monica turns on one of the dim lights in the hallway, casting a warm glow all around us.
Even though she stands in the shadows, it’s still enough for me to see her staring at me too. Her chest heaves up and down in quick succession—making her dress look a little restrictive—and I wonder if she feels as on edge as I do.
This whole day has been an utter mind game for me, my brain not able to let go of the fact that I have less than forty-eight hours left with my best friend and the woman I just figured out I’m in love with. The same one I’ve decided to let go so she can follow her dreams.
I’m not sure if that makes me noble or just utterly stupid.
All I know is, right now, it feels like the fact I won’t be seeing her for a long time could rip me into pieces if I let it. So, I try not to think about it, focusing on the here and now, instead of what’s ahead of me.
Neither one of us has moved an inch, our gazes still across the small entryway.
“Monica, I—” I take a step toward her the same moment she does, and before I know it, we’re a flurry of arms and hands, reaching, pulling each other closer until our mouths finally collide.
Our lips move as if they’ve been starving for each other for centuries, not sure how to ever survive without the other one again. It’s beautiful and sad, the moment carving itself deeply into my chest like an eternal tattoo to my soul.
I want to kiss her forever, focusing on those soft lips, but the rest of her body is silently begging me for attention too. The sweet scent of her skin is already infiltrating my senses, making me slightly intoxicated by her presence alone.
After another searing hot kiss, I tug on her lower lip before slowly making my way over to her cheek, the delicate corner of her jaw, gently sucking and nibbling a path to her ear, knowing that paying particular attention to her sensitive spot there will drive her crazy.
And that’s precisely what I’m planning on doing tonight—driving her crazy so she will remember me. So that when I have to say goodbye to her, she can soar like the exotic bird she is. Without anything holding her back, without anything keeping her from being the rising star she was meant to be.
Even though it hurts to think about, she was right when she said she was born to be onstage, traveling the world.
If I didn’t believe it before, which I did, seeing her live and in action these past few weeks have definitely proven it.
This is it. Her thing.
Her magic that needs to be shared with the world.
“Do that again.” She moans, arching her body into mine while turning her head to the side to give me even better access to the curve of her neck and ear.
After torturing her some more at her sensitive spot, I trail my tongue down her throat, enjoying all the little noises I’m coaxing out of her. When I make it to her shoulder, I push the thin strap of her dress off it and down her arm, just to follow the trail first with my fingers and then my mouth. Her head automatically falls my way, leaning in closer, her eyes closed, lips parted, teeth gently biting the lower half.