Page 72 of One Short Summer

If there’s anyone who can even remotely understand Monica’s touring and wanderlust, it’s my rockstar brother.

“I know they can. But she’s been working so hard on getting back to dancing, not to mention the fact that she’s finally gotten the solo part she’s been dreaming of ever since she was a child. What kind of monster would I be if I didn’t care about any of that?”

“You’re a fool. Give her some credit too. She’s not some naive, little child. If anyone knows what they want, it’s Monica.”

“Exactly.” I stare at my brother without saying a word, giving him time for his own words to sink in. When his eyes widen, I know he understands. “I need her to want this. To wantme. Right now, all she wants is to leave and get back to her dancing. I won’t interfere with that.”

He opens his mouth to say something else, but Monica must have seen us, gracefully walking over to open the door.

“Hey, guys. So sorry, Charming, I forgot what time it was. Let me get my stuff and then we can leave, okay?” Thankfully, she’s too preoccupied to pay closer attention to the tension between my brother and me.

When I nod, she’s already left, walking to the other side of the room to gather her things.

Hudson clasps my shoulder and squeezes once. “I understand where you’re coming from, but I still think you’re a fool. Charlie’s waiting for me, so I better get going. Think about what I said.”

With that, he’s off, leaving me with this little piece of well-meant advice, as if everything Monica isn’t on my mind in a constant loop anyway.

The girls’ words from earlier join the chaos in my mind.

Monica, the princess.

Only needing her Prince Charming now.

Too badthisCharming lets his princess leave so she can live the dream she’s worked for so hard.

But it’s all worth it. Her happiness is worth it.

I’m not sure anymore who I’m actually trying to convince at this point.

Exhaling a loud breath, trying to get myself under control, I watch her as she throws a thin shirt over her tank top and leggings.

When she walks back over to me, I smile at her because that’s what best friends do. They swallow the love part, accept the fact they’re utterly screwed, and hope for the best.

Chapter Twenty-Eight


Gabe has been actingstrange all week but I have no clue why. Every time I ask him, he says everything’s fine, but he can’t fool me. I saw him talking not only to Rose but also to Hudson this week, and both conversations left him with a weird expression on his face, followed by weird behavior. He stays tight-lipped nonetheless though.

At first, I thought it might have something to do with our new schedule. It’s been a long week, and we both had to adjust to it. Our days are filled with little kiddie classes on top of our dancing and writing, while evenings and nights belong to us. They’re utterly and completely just ours.

I do feel bad for neglecting my friends a little, but all I want to do at the end of the day is soak up every single minute I have left with Gabe. Thankfully though, they keep visiting me at the academy throughout the day, thus allowing me to still spend time with them.

Something is extra odd this weekend though. Gabe’s been locked away in his office more than usual, apparently trying to catch up with all the work he’s been missing during the week.

Feeling off myself, I practiced at the academy earlier until my legs started shaking so hard, I could barely stand anymore.

Maybe we’re both getting sick? I hope not. That’s the last thing I need right now.

Since I came back a few hours ago, I still haven’t seen a glimpse of Gabe. Not one peep. Seeing that I excel at stalking though, I know he’s in his office, working his sexy ass off, if all the fervent typing I heard through the door was any indication to go by.

Writing his books.

The same ones I still haven’t read. I’m the worst friend on earth.

Well, what better moment to finally tackle that task than right now. After all, I was enthralled by the snippet I read that allowed me to make the costume.

It’s the least I can do for him.