“You little minx, you. I know one thing I won’t ever buy you since you seem to forgo it anyway.” I lean forward and capture her lips for another hungry kiss while my hands keep roaming around, enjoying the pantyless area to the fullest.
A few moments later, Monica goes up onto her knees and starts pulling on my waistband. Her fingers dig into my skin, clumsy in her desperation to bring us together. “Lift up your butt.”
Well, who am I to disobey that command?
I do as she says, and my pants and boxers are down my legs two seconds later.
“Impatient, are we?” I tease, loving the little smirk I get in return.
“With you, always.”
And then, without warning, she sinks down onto me in one swift move while I try to hold on to my control that’s ready to snap.
She pauses for a moment while we both get used to the union, and we just stare at each other. The invisible connection between us tightens, pulling so strongly, it makes my head a little fuzzy.
Brushing her wild hair behind her ear, I lean in to nibble on her chin. “So beautiful, Princess.”
“I’m glad you like it, Charming.”
When I have my control back, at least partially, I slowly move my hips, not wanting this to be over too soon. “Liking it is definitely the understatement of the year. I would ravish you in it on a daily basis if I could.”
“What are you waiting for then? We don’t have forever.” Her face turns into a grimace before going back to normal.
The truth of her words hits me hard, and I make a promise to myself in that very moment.
I will try and make the most of the rest of our time together. I owe both of us that much before we go on with our separate lives soon.
Even if that’s the last thing I want to do.
Chapter Twenty-Six
I can’t rememberthe last time I’ve laughed this much. It’s like a brutal ab workout, and I’m sure my stomach is going to hurt tomorrow.
But boy, is it worth it.
“Tommy, get back over hereright now.” Monica is racing after the little five-year-old boy who is squealing at the top of his lungs, clearly enjoying this little impromptu game of catch to the fullest. His shaggy, dark hair is flying around his small face, and he’s sporting the biggest grin.
Contrary to what Dahlia made it sound like, this class full of bambini—preschoolers, three to five years old—has been anything but easy. I didn’t think it was possible to make that much of a mess in such a short amount of time. But here we are. Barely half an hour into the hour-long session, and I can’t believe my own two eyes.
On the other hand, what did I really expect from little kids when they’re let loose on paint?
Looks like there’s a lot I have to learn about kids.
“What on earth is going on in here?” Rose closes the door to the classroom behind her and walks over to me. She gives me a once-over before chuckling. “Nice war paint you got there.”
I haven’t looked in the mirror yet, but I’m not the least bit surprised about her comment. Looking all dirty after our morning classes is the one thing I actuallydidexpect. I mean, over ten little kids with paint around me. What are the odds of getting away unscathed?
I shrug in response and turn back to the chaos in front of us, not wanting to miss it.
“Ah, our dearest Tommy. That boy is one hell of a troublemaker, I’m telling you. I don’t envy his parents.” She chuckles as we both track him around the room with our gazes.
After a few seconds, I take a moment to study her. My little sister with the rainbow-colored hair, a big smile on her face at the scene in front of us. That shouldn’t be a surprise though since the whole situation has Rose written all over it. “Does that mean you like him because he’s such a troublemaker? You’ve always had a soft spot for those, being one yourself and all that.”
Her eyes crinkle at the corners when she laughs, not offended in the least. There isn’t a bigger cheerleader of Rose, the troublemaker, than Rose herself.
“You know me so well.” She winks at me before lifting her chin in Monica’s direction. “Looks like she finally caught our little mischief-maker. I’m curious. What did he do this time?”