Page 67 of One Short Summer

“I asked if you’re mad.” There’s something in her eyes I haven’t seen a lot of before. Maybe it’s vulnerability? Uncertainty?

“Mad?” What on earth is she talking about? We’re definitely on each other’s radars today, that’s for sure. But in a weird way, misinterpreting the other’s behavior. “Why would I be mad?”

“You still haven’t said a word about the dress, and I can’t tell if you’re happy right now or not.” Her voice cracks slightly at the end, and I look up at her face and her tightly knit eyebrows before taking one of her hands to pull her closer.

My dumbfounded expression must be throwing her off.

“Trust me, Monica. I’m anything but mad. Ironically, I’m a bit at a loss for words. It’s hard to wrap my head around you standing in front of me like this. I mean, how is this even possible?” I don’t give her a chance to actually reply, the urge to see more of her outfit too strong to ignore.

“Turn around. I need to see the whole thing.” My eyes wander over her entire body, taking in every inch of her. “And do itslowly.”

The dress is made from different fabric and leather scraps, the brown and black pieces sewn together in a random crisscross pattern, with little cutouts in between to expose her soft porcelain skin. It barely covers her butt and boobs, and I have a hard time keeping my hands to myself.

She looks out-of-this-world gorgeous and couldn’t resemble the character of my new story any more if she tried. It’s incredible. Absolutely perfect.

Monica brought my new main warrior princess character to life, and she did such a realistic job of it, I’m still having a hard time believing this isn’t an illusion.

“You left your laptop open the other day in the kitchen when you went to take a shower. Your document was still pulled up on the screen when I went to the fridge and, I don’t know, I guess I was curious.” She looks down at her fingers before bringing her gaze back up to mine. “The story sucked me right in, and I was immediately fascinated by your warrior princess. I hope you don’t mind. I wasn’t trying to snoop, I promise.”

“Are you kidding me? I would never be mad at you for this.” I scrub my hand over my face, still trying to process all of this. “I mean, look at you. Hot damn, Monica. You look incredibly sexy, way sexier than I could’ve ever imagined this looking when I wrote it. Now come here already, my little warrior princess.”

Monica chuckles, which finally seems to shake off the last bit of nerves. She closes the distance between us and straddles my lap like she did that first day. Thank goodness for the big office chair.

“I can’t tell you how happy I am that you like it.” She pushes higher up on my legs until our pelvises almost meet.

“I don’t thinklikeeven begins to cover how I feel about this outfit. It must’ve taken you hours to put it together. You definitely have a hand for it though. It’s absolutely stunning.” The fabric feels soft under my touch when I slowly move my hands up her hips.

She shrugs her shoulders. “I’ve helped out with the dance costumes a lot over the years. It relaxes me.”

“Well, you can bring my fantasies to life anytime you want, I can tell you that much.” I brush a piece of hair out of her eyes, focusing on her beautiful face. “Thank you.”

“No need to thank me. This costume is actually my little thanks toyoufor everything you’ve done for me. You’ve been such a big help and influence in my life, not afraid to kick my butt when I needed it either. And I really appreciate that. Things wouldn’t have progressed the way they have if it wasn’t for you.”

Her words hit me hard, causing something to stir in my chest. My body doesn’t seem unaffected by her little speech and her close proximity either, and I’m sure she can feel my hard-on grow between us.

Another time, her words might have been a bad reminder of her upcoming departure, but I’m distracted enough to forget about anything but her on my lap right now.

As if she’s heard my thoughts, she presses closer, the contact making me more than just a little needy.

My arms move up her back on autopilot, pulling her all the way to my chest. “Well, let me show you exactly how much I like your little surprise.” And then I crush my lips to hers, not beneath begging her to let me have my way with her.

My tongue finds hers the second she opens her mouth. Our teeth clash occasionally, and she’s already nibbled on my lips several times, letting me know how much she’s enjoying this. Just this kiss alone is already so much wilder than anything we’ve had before. The urge and need to be with each other seems to have taken over both of our minds and bodies. Consuming our whole beings, ready to combust spontaneously.

Monica circles my pelvis with hers, the motion creating a friction that’s driving both of us crazy, if Monica’s impatient grumbles and wandering hands are anything to go by. My hands have taken on a life of their own too, touching as much of her as possible without breaking the dress.

Even though I have this inexplicable, almost animalistic desire to rip it off her, it’s just too perfect to destroy.

I still can’t believe she actually went through all the trouble of making it. It’s precisely the way I pictured it in my mind when I wrote it.

It takes the last bit of my willpower, but Icarefullyslide the dress up her hips.

“Should I take it off?” Her voice is breathy, revealing how much all of this is affecting her as well.

A strangled cough escapes my mouth. “Hell no. If you don’t mind keeping it on, I mean.” I can’t hold back a big grin, even though I feel slightly weird asking her this.

I’m usually not one for roleplay or any of that stuff, but this is literally afantasycome to life.

She chuckles and shakes her head. “I was hoping for that answer, so I came prepared.” Her hands take mine, pushing them under the skirt and up her hips.