Page 53 of One Short Summer

His hands grab mine but he doesn’t push them away. Instead, he holds our entwined fingers close over his heart, allowing me to feel its strong rhythm that seems just a tad too fast.

“I’m sorry for being selfish. I should’ve noticed downstairs how exhausted you are.” After pressing my lips to his hands, I pull him over to the big bed.

“Don’t be. It’s not like I did anything I didn’t want to do. I enjoyed what we did very much and can’t wait for more.”

One more exhilarating kiss later, he slaps my butt and pulls back the covers on the bed. “Now hop in, before I fall asleep standing up.”

At that, I have to laugh. “All right, old man. Let’s get some sleep.”

He chuckles once. “I’ll show you, old man...later.”

I love the sudden playfulness and my body does too, buzzing with excitement. But I understand now’s not the time to play. No one said anything about me being fair though, so I bend at the waist to push down my sweatpants, dropping them on the soft carpet before climbing into bed.

Gabe groans when he gets in bed behind me, probably remembering my lack of underwear. He pushes the built-in light switch on the wall right above his nightstand, and we’re swallowed by near darkness. Luckily, I don’t need any light to feel the warmth of his body behind me. When he pulls me back by the waist, snaking an arm around me, I let out a quiet sigh.

“Goodnight, Monica.” His breath fans over my neck and the side of my face, making me fully aware of the intimacy this situation brings with it.

Weirdly enough, I don’t mind it one bit right now. Knowing this is only temporary until I go back to join my dance team helps to compartmentalize things, without putting too much meaning into them.

“Night, Charming.” I try to settle, willing my body to calm down enough so I can get some more sleep too.

It seems like I’ll need some energy for later.

Chapter Twenty


I’m notsure what time it is when I wake up, but the sun shines brightly on my face, making me smile like a lunatic. It’s pure gold for my soul. I stretch like a cat until a chuckle next to me makes me freeze mid-stretch. When I peek over my shoulder, I spot Gabe casually lying on his side next to me, his head propped up on his hand.

His hair is wet and he smells freshly showered. It’s hard to believe he’s already been productive today while I was the one sleeping in after already sleeping most of the night downstairs on the couch. At least, it seems like he’s been up for a while. My body’s thankful though, my muscles extra tired from all the training this week but already feeling slightly rejuvenated.

Gabe, on the other hand, looks both tired and hyped up. Where the dark circles under his eyes haven’t disappeared, his pupils are almost sparkling. It’s an odd combination. Slightly fascinating too.

“Did you get any sleep at all?”

“A little. I woke up a few hours ago but didn’t want to wake you. I usually get like that when I feel inspired to write, so I got in a few hours behind the computer before I worked out and took a shower.” The smile he gives me is small and almost boyish, like he did something he wasn’t supposed to do.

“Wow. Either you barely slept, or I slept way too much.” I sit up halfway, trying to see a clock somewhere.

“Maybe a little of both. It’s eleven.”

“Eleven.” I repeat the time like it holds some magical answer. “I can’t remember the last time I slept this long.”

“I can’t either, which is why I didn’t want to wake you. I thought you probably needed it after working so hard.”

“Thank you.” My brain starts protesting at the information overflow within the first minute of waking up, yet his thoughtfulness still finds a way to imprint itself in my memory. At least Gabe knows I’m not exactly a morning person.

As if he read my mind, he nods and starts sitting up, causing a sudden burst of disappointment to rush through me at the thought of him leaving.

“I brought you something.” He faces away from me and bends down.

When he turns back around, he’s holding a big tray full of food. “I thought we could eat in bed, if you want. I haven’t done that in forever.” He looks almost giddy.

Who am I to say no to that face? “Sure. What did you bring?”

He puts the tray between us and climbs back into the large bed. “I made us some waffles and eggs, and brought some fresh fruit and orange juice too.”

“Perfect.” I stare at him for a moment while he’s still looking at the tray. Goodness, this man is too sweet for his own good.