Page 38 of One Short Summer

I barely hold back the choke that’s forming in the back of my throat, trying hard not to let my real feelings show. My eyes stay trained on Dahlia, afraid I’ll blush if I look up at Gabe’s handsome face. I might end up drooling or something equally embarrassing.

No one needs to realize I can’t stop thinking about Gabe’s lips on mine.

Dahlia’s laughter suddenly fades, a more serious expression taking over her face, and my stomach fills with dread. “Speaking of you two being so great together, I wanted to ask you for a favor.”

Chapter Fourteen


Seeingmy sister look so small in the big hospital bed makes my stomach churn. My family is incredibly important to me, and seeing one of them hurt inadvertently hurts me too. Since I can’t change anything about the situation, the least I can do is try to help as much as possible. “Of course. What’s the favor?”

Her healthy arm goes up to her face, pulling on her ear a few times, something she does when she’s uncomfortable or nervous. When we were kids, we used to run away from her the second we saw her hand go up to her ear because we knew whatever she wanted usually wasn’t in our favor.

The impulse is still there, and I have to fight the urge to turn around and walk away.

Old habits die hard sometimes.

“Just tell us, sis.” I avoid looking over at Monica, but I can see in my peripheral vision she’s waiting too. I guess I’m not the only one apprehensive of whatever Dahlia wants from us.

My sister finally drops her hand and looks up at me. “Well, you offered your support, and I would like to take you up on it.” Then she looks over at Monica quickly and back at me again. “I was wondering if you two could help out at the academy? You’re such a good team, and I need all the help I can get. I’d hate to have to cancel my classes if I can avoid it. But only if you’re okay with that. I can always try and find someone else too.”

My sister is off to Babble Land, at least for her standard, but all I can think about is what she said about Monica and me.

About us being a team.

A great team.

It keeps coming up, and I can see why everyone thinks so. Isn’t that the way I’ve been feeling about us too? We have grown into a great duo, afriendship-team. Because that’s what everyone’s talking about, right?

I glance over at Monica. It’s hard to look at her beautiful face without wanting to pull her into my arms, now that I’ve tasted her. The memory of that moment at the dance studio is always just a thought away, making me want to kiss the living hell out of her every time I see her.

Dahlia’s accident put it all on pause until I could make sure my sister was really okay. But now, it’s like someone pushed the play button again, and my attraction to Monica is back in business.

When I told her I didn’t regret what we did, and that I want to do it again, I wasn’t lying. It’s all I’ve been able to think about.

Yet I’m also battling the doubts swirling around in my head ever since she made it clear she’s not looking for anything serious.

Because that’s what I want. That’s what I’mprogrammedfor.

I’mthe family guy. The one who wants a wife and a small herd of children filling the house with their laughter and shouts.

Starting something with Monica—knowing not only will she leave again soon, especially now that she’s started dancing again, but also not being on the same page when it comes to life and our futures—seems like a train wreck just waiting to happen, and it worries me.

But then again, it’s Monica. Sweet, funny, and incredibly sexy Monica that I can’t, and don’t really want to, say no to.

“Gabe? Are you okay with that? I’m sorry if it’s too much of an inconvenience. I know you’re still busy with your book. I’ll just ask someone else. Don’t worry about it.” Dahlia’s voice cuts into my thoughts, and when I look at her, disappointed puppy dog eyes gaze up at me.

Well, hell. I didn’t hear anything she said while I was in Monica-land, but how would I ever say no to that face? I’m pretty sure Dahlia knows it too, little sneaky thing.

I groan, knowing I have a hard time saying no to my sister in general, even less now that she’s injured. So, I let out a loud sigh and nod. “Of course I’ll help. I offered it, after all.”

“We’ll work it out somehow. Don’t worry about it.” Monica’s voice sounds normal, and I wonder if she’s thinking about me and our kiss at all.

It seems like I’m getting more and more obsessed with it by the minute.

Dahlia lets out a long breath. “Thanks so much, guys. That will be a huge help. I should be able to leave here tomorrow, so maybe we can meet up at Mom’s after, to talk? Will that be okay?”

“Absolutely.” Monica’s smiling at my sister, and I’m glad she still seems to be in good spirits.