Page 34 of One Short Summer

He hesitates for a moment before bending down, giving me a kiss on the cheek, his soft lips lingering long enough for me to inhale his intoxicating scent.

* * *

Several hours later, Gabe joins me in the kitchen where I’m eating away as much of my sexual frustration as possible with the help of some delicious caramel ice cream.

I hold back a groan when I get a good look at him. The way he looks at me makes me all hot and bothered, with that easy smile he gives so freely. He looks delicious enough to eat, and I wonder if he’d let me bite him. Very gently, of course.

Pausing in front of me, he peeks into my bowl. “You having a fun time?”

My heart speeds up at his close proximity, and I lick my lips, my cold tongue taking its sweet time to brush off any remnants of the ice cream.

It’s easy to tell Gabe is doing something wicked to my senses, causing utter and absolute chaos to my body and mind. Even his voice suddenly sounds like pure sex.

What happened between us at the dance studio has started something inside of me. Opened a box with a big red “Dangerous” sign that started a whole hormonal process I was neither expecting nor prepared for.

All I know is, without a doubt, I want more of it.

More ofhim.

So. Much. More.

A sudden urge to know if he feels the same way overcomes me.

It’s overwhelming, and Ihaveto know.

Good thing straightforward honesty is one of my specialties. “Do you regret what happened?”

He stills and doesn’t answer right away. For a moment, it actually looks like he might not answer at all. “Not exactly.”

“Okay.” That’s a good start. I think. “Do you want to do it again?” My eyebrows shoot up as I wait for his reply, my heart now galloping in my chest like a wild herd of horses.

Another thing I don’t like. Feeling nervous.

Guess I’m not taking this whole thing as easy as I thought after all.

For some reason, this moment brings out my worst insecurities.

He takes a step closer, invading my personal space, not that I mind.

Who am I kidding? My heart is going completely nuts, begging me to convince this gorgeous man in front of me that this—him and me,us—is indeed a really, really good idea. Even if it’s only temporary.

He’s within touching distance when he finally answers. “I do.” He takes a deep breath, and I’m afraid there’s a “but” coming. “Do you?”

I stare at him. “Is that a serious question right now?”

“You’re Charlie’s best friend, I’m Hudson’s brother.”

A simple statement voicing the exact concerns Charlie had, throwing me off for a moment.

Even though I expected it, it still sucks to hear. But we’re adults, so we can handle this like adults. “I’m aware of that.”

“I know you are.” He lets his head drop for a moment before continuing. “I just want to make sure we both know what’s at stake, that’s all. If this doesn’t end well, it could cause a huge mess.”

A sudden laugh bubbles out of my chest. Slightly hysterical. “Gabe! I’m not asking you to marry me.”

His face turns red, and I feel like I kicked a puppy. A heavy weight settles in my stomach at the sight.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean it in a bad way. Obviously, you’re quite the catch, but it doesn’t seem like you’re interested in something serious any more than I am. All I’m saying is that we like each other, and we’re all adults, aren’t we?”