Everyone seemsto stop and stare at me as I run down Main Street. I silently curse Kiara for sending me cryptic text messages and then not replying when I ask her what’s going on. All she sent was:Come to the studio right now, it’s about Monica. Hurry!!!
What was I supposed to do with something like that?
Of course, my brainwouldcome up with the worst possible scenarios.
Thankfully, Kiara must have come to her senses, sending a simple,She’s okay, no accident, thirty seconds later.
After that, it was radio silence.
That was not enough info for my worried mind or racing heart though.
Which is exactly the reason why I’m sprinting down the sidewalk right now, my feet pounding hard on the pavement.
The yoga studio finally comes into view, and I’m so relieved, I almost run over an older lady who suddenly stopped walking right in front of me. Kiara’s in front of the door, waving her arms when she sees me, a huge smile spreading across her face.
When I come to a stop in front of her, I bend over to catch my breath, feeling like my insides are all jumbled up.
“Goodness, Gabe, did you run all the way here from your house?”
It’s easy to detect the smirk in her voice, so I don’t even bother looking up. “That’s what happens when you send me urgent messages that get me worried.”
After a few deep inhales, I finally feel like I can breathe somewhat normal again. Standing back up to my full height, I watch Kiara as she puts her hands on her hips while cocking an eyebrow at me.
“Why would you be worried? I told you she’s okay.”
It sounds just as accusing as it’s probably meant to be. Looking at her posture, I realize I’m very familiar with her challenging stance. Having so many women in my family, I’ve gotten pretty good at reading their body language. What I’m confronted with right now usually has one message, and one message only.
Caution.Consider your next words very carefully.
Somehow, it has the opposite effect on me and only makes me laugh. Since this could have gone the other way too, I’m thankful when she joins in.
“All right. If Monica is fine, why was it so urgent for me to get here?” I look at her face—her beautiful brown skin, the massive amount of dark hair on her head, and those brown eyes that sparkle playfully. She’s been a really great friend whenever I’m visiting, and we try to stay in touch when I’m not here.
It’s nice to have friends like that in places other than your home.
“Well, I told Monica the other day she can use the studio when it’s not occupied. I didn’t think she’d take the offer, but—”
I don’t let her finish her sentence. I barely contain myself enough from grabbing her by the shoulders to shake her. “You what? Are you telling me she’s actually dancing? Right now?”
Kiara nods with a big smile as I pull her in for a quick hug.
We’ve talked about Monica’s situation before, but I never thought she’d actually achieve anything with my stubborn friend.
“I can’t believe it. You’re an angel.”
She laughs and shakes her head. “I’m not, but thanks. I’m just happy she’s actually doing it. And man, she’s so good. I can’t believe she’s ever thought about quitting. She’s got a real gift.”
“Of course she’s good. She’s absolutely fantastic.” I’m about to push my way past her, not wanting to miss seeing Monica in action, when her next words make me stop in my track.
“My mom told me but I didn’t believe her at first. You’ve really got it bad, don’t you?”
“What?” My thoughts are running a mile a minute, having one goal and one goal only, and that’s getting to Monica. I’m still trying to process all the new information when she grabs my arm.
“Nothing, don’t worry about it.” She pats my upper arm and starts pushing me toward the front door. “Come on, big guy, let’s sneak back in and you can see for yourself. But be quiet.”
I try and calm my steps when, in reality, all I want to do is shake her off and run into the studio.
We go inside and walk past the front desk and the wall of lockers that’s on one side of the big room. Thankfully, no one seems to be around to witness my minor freak-out.