Page 26 of One Short Summer

I’ve finally figured it out, and it might be the worst idea I’ve had in a very long time, so I really,reallyhope it’s worth it. “I can’t believe I’m about to offer this, but I’m going to tell you what happened with Alex if you try to dance again.”

The silence that follows my statement is so brutal, so honest—telling without a single word how much this really means—that I barely catch myself from flinching.

Monica’s eyes are still wide as saucers while she’s trying to imitate a gaping fish, her mouth opening and closing several times. “What? I don’t...I can’t…”

Lifting my hand, I shake my head, disbelief at my own actions still loudly running through my veins, as I slowly walk around the kitchen island toward the takeout bags.

I need to distract myself before I retract my offer, making both of us miserable. “Just think about it, okay? Let’s talk about something else right now before I change my mind. Plus, the food is getting cold, so let’s eat.”

All she does is nod. She might have mumbled, “Okay,” but I’m not a hundred percent sure of anything right now.

I’m trying hard to stay calm on the outside, pretending like this is as good of a plan as Monica hopefully thinks it is.

If she bites, it might very well be worth my own pain.

Chapter Nine


It’s beentwo days since Gabe’s unusual offer.

Two days for my mind to spin in circles.

Around and around and around.

Because whose mind wouldn’t?

Dangling that unusual offer right in front of my nose, knowing exactly how much I’d like to add this missing piece to the puzzle—the puzzle being Gabe, of course.

Needless to say, my curiosity has skyrocketed ever since.

As far as I know, Gabe hasn’t told anyone about what happened between him and Alex in college. No one seems to know what broke up their friendship. Not a single soul. I’m still a bit shocked he used it as an incentive to get me to dance.Me.

It’s not like he’s getting anything out of it if I dance again.

The gesture itself means a great deal to me though, and I’ve wondered more than once how long exactly he had to talk himself into his proposal, or if he might already regret making it.

Crazy Gabe.

Regardless, I still haven’t given him an answer.

Despite how much I really want to know that secret—and I mean, I really,reallywant to know—I’m still not ready to dance again. I’ve definitely been thinking about dancing a lot more these last few days, but that’s because of Gabe and his insistence.

“Monica, hey.” Someone touches my arm and I jerk up.

“What?” The word comes out louder than I intended, my heart skipping wildly in my chest.

Kiara stands in front of me, laughing, with her hands on her hips. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you. I just wanted to make sure you’re okay. You just sat there, completely zoned out.”

Looking around, I notice all of the people from my yoga class have already left. “Oh, dang it. Just lost in thought, I guess. I didn’t realize so much time had passed. Do you need me to leave?”

In that moment, the door swings open, and within seconds, the room fills with little kids. A few adults trail after them, standing or sitting down at the wall near the door.

“No, not at all. Kim is from the local dance studio.” She points at a petite woman at the front of the class I didn’t notice. She looks of Asian descent, with short, black hair, a warm smile for everyone, and is dressed in the traditional “ballet uniform” of tights and a leotard. After she puts down her belongings on the floor next to the stereo, the kids gather around her like eager, little minions.

Kiara slides down next to me on the floor, keeping her voice low. “Their water pipe broke a few weeks ago, leaving the dance studio a mess, so she’s been training the little ones here instead. I mean, look at them, they are so adorable. I have another class after they’re done, so I usually stay here and watch them. It’s the cutest thing ever.”

I can’t help but stare at the kids, utterly fixated by their presence. There are probably twenty of them, give or take, their small voices filling the air all around us.