Page 20 of One Short Summer

After messaging for a few minutes, we decided to video chat, so I took my laptop, coffee, and a blanket out back to get as comfortable as possible.

I can’t wait to see if the sunrise will be just as beautiful as the sunset was last night.

Pairing that with a bestie chat, and I’d say it’s a pretty perfect morning after all, despite the early morning. Plus, I miss Charlie, which becomes blatantly obvious as I stare at my laptop screen, waiting for her to call me.

Being away from Brooksville has made me think about my life, a lot. Gabe putting down his foot and telling me things had to change was almost like a wake-up call. Add to that the change of routine and scenery up here, and I’ve been thinking a lot about my life and what has happened this last year.

One realization hit me hard, the fact that I haven’t been a good friend. I don’t have a lot to begin with—really, just Charlie, outside of my dance circle—so maintaining the relationship with her was always important to me.

Now, I’m not sure how much effort I’ve put into it during the last year. Even though I initially came to Brooksville to visit Charlie after my accident, I haven’t nearly spent as much time with her as I wanted to, especially considering the fact that we live within walking distance.

It’s blatantly obvious now that Gabe was right. I completely spiraled out of my life. I didn’t just fall into a funk; it was more an existential crisis than anything else.

I honestly didn’t even grasp how much I pushed everyone away last year when things didn’t go as well as expected.

The possibility of never being able to dance again hit me harder than anything else ever had in my life, and I didn’t handle it well. Dancing has been my dream for as long as I can remember. Myonlydream, really. I was lucky enough to dance with some of the top crews over the years, the chance to perform solo next on my to-do list.

Without it, I honestly don’t know who I am.

There’s always just been dancing for me.

There’s never been a Plan B.

I stare at the sky that’s still mostly dark, sipping my coffee while pondering some more about life when my screen illuminates with an incoming call.

Pressing the accept button, Charlie pops up on my screen. She’s in her bakery kitchen, looking adorable in a pink heart apron. Banging noises accompany her as she moves around, getting all her tools and ingredients ready.

I’m not even sure she knows I can already see her.

“There you are, C. What are you making this morning?”

“Hey, Mo.” Charlie looks up, giving me a tired smile before she points at all the different bowls. “Let’s see. Apple cheese danish, cinnamon rolls, blueberry turnovers, and raspberry pain au chocolat.”

“Wow. That’s quite the assortment. Yum.”

“If you want, I’ll make you some of everything when you get back.” Always so generous. She’s always been this way. Taking care of everyone around her as much as they’d allow her to. “Now, get me up to speed. I don’t even know what’s going on anymore. You mentioned in your text earlier that you like it up there?”

Her comment combined with my latest realization feels like a knife to my heart, but I swallow it and nod. Nothing I can do about the past now, except lift my chin and vow to do better from here on out. So, after a steadying breath, I plaster on a smile for my best friend, thankful she has been this patient with me. “I do. It’s such a lovely place. There’s a lot more greenery here, making it absolutely beautiful. And the people I’ve met have all been super nice. I bet you’d love it here too.”

“That sounds awesome. Hopefully, we can come up and visit sometime soon.” She pauses with her hands now stuck in a big pile of dough, giving me a once-over. “I don’t know what it is, but you look different. Better.”

“I do?”

Charlie shrugs her shoulders and goes back to kneading the mass in front of her. “I don’t know how to explain it, just more like your old self, I guess. That little spark is back in your eyes, and your smile looks real again, more likeyou.”

Wow. I didn’t realize how obvious it was to everyone I was faking it. Dang it. What a wasted effort. “I’m sorry I was such a terrible friend. I should have tried harder to pull through it all.”

This time, she shakes her head. “Don’t apologize, Mo. Seriously. You had a very traumatic experience when you got injured, and I’ve never blamed you for the way you acted. Everyone deals differently with this kind of stuff. There’s nothing wrong with doing it your way. All I want is for you to feel better.”

Warmth swirls around in my chest at her words, the same words Gabe told me. “Thank you. I can’t really explain it, but somehow, I really feel better. By some miracle, Gabe got through to me with his mini-intervention, and I’ve been thinking about my life all week.”

A wave of gratefulness rushes through me again at the thought of him.

He really has gone out of his way to help me this whole time, no matter if I wanted him to or not.

Above and beyond, really.

Awesome and stubborn Gabe.