Page 18 of One Short Summer

I sit up higher on the chaise lounge that’s surprisingly comfortable due to the big padded cushions. “I thought it would be a great night to watch the sunset.”

“There’s not a cloud in the sky so it should be a good one.” He walks over to me, his shoes hitting the wooden floor the only noise. The rocking chair on the other side of the small table next to me creaks loudly when he sits down. A tired sigh escapes his lips and his eyes close for a moment as he gently rocks back and forth.

Despite having a way with words, Gabe usually isn’t the biggest talker. I’ve always wondered if he uses most of his words for his stories, even though there’s a big difference between good and bad silence. This moment seems to fall into the latter category if I’m not misreading the frown on his face and the tenseness in his jaw.

“Everything okay?”

He shrugs his shoulders but keeps his eyes shut.

“Trouble with your agent?” Even if I wanted to, I couldn’t let it go. There’s this nagging feeling inside of me that needs to make sure he’s okay. I know a lot of times, I can’t do more than offer to listen, but I want him to succeed in life and hate when he’s so down about his job.

Absolutely hate it.

His eyes open lazily and he looks at me, still not saying anything.

I resist the urge to squirm under his gaze and get busy filling up both of the wine glasses I brought outside with me—just in case he decided to join me.

He tilts his head for a moment as I hand him one, but doesn’t seem overly surprised I came prepared. We do enough things together that it’s easier to come prepared for the other one, just in case.

“Thank you.”

“I found it in the kitchen. I hope it was okay to open.”

“Of course.” He lifts the glass to his lips, and I see him flinch the slightest bit when the sweetness hits his taste buds.

“You don’t like it? Do you want me to get you something else?” I take a sip of my own wine, enjoying the fruity taste as it runs down my throat.

“No, I’m good. Thank you.”

I nod before studying him for a moment. “So? Trouble with your agent?”

He sighs again. “Not really trouble. Just a slap on the wrist.” Without warning, his whole face suddenly transforms as one corner of his mouth pulls up into a lopsided smirk, a quiet chuckle escaping his lips. “I guess I’ve been naughty.”

The words are barely out of his mouth when we both start laughing. Imagining Gabe doing anything really naughty, at least when it comes to his professional life, seems almost comical.

I try and hold my wine glass steady as my body continues to shake. “No way. I can’t picture you like that. You’re an A-plus student, Mr. Goody Two-Shoes and all that, not someone who gets in trouble at his job. Or anything else, for that matter. I don’t think I’ve ever met anyone as nice as you.”

Even though the words came out of my own mouth, they stun me. I didn’t realize the truth of that statement until it just spilled out.

He trulyisthe nicest guy I’ve ever met. Through and through.

Gabe’s gaze holds mine, but for a flicker of a second, it strays away to my body before returning to my face. “You’re right. I’ve never gotten in trouble at school or work. That doesn’t mean I can’t be naughty though.”

“I don’t believe it.”

He gives me a wink that does weird things to my stomach, but before I can try to figure out what to make of it all, the playful expression on his face is gone. He turns away from me, looking over the large backyard, with the oval pool nestled in the middle of the green lawn, the lake sparkling in the distance. “This time I deserved it though.”

I sit up straighter, stretching my legs in front of me. “Why’s that?”

“Because my deadline is approaching rather fast, and I still haven’t delivered anything to my agent. She’s starting to freak out for the both of us.” His face has morphed into a tight mask, making me want to smooth out the deep frown that has settled on his forehead. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to bug you with this. It’s not your problem.”

Somehow that comment sends a wave of frustration through my body. Putting my wine glass on the table, I lean forward, suddenly feeling fidgety and ready for a fight if necessary. “Gabe, why would you say something like that? You know you can talk to me about stuff. We’re friends, for goodness’ sake, aren’t we?”

I’m not sure why I ask him so bluntly, or why my breath hitches for a moment, like I’m anxious to hear his answer. Neither one of us is very emotional or talkative when it comes to personal stuff, so this shouldn’t be a huge surprise. Yet, all I know is there’s a sudden painful tightness in my throat while I wait for his reply, trying to ignore the hardening in my stomach.

“Of course we are. You don’t even have to ask. I wouldn’t let you live with me, let alone spend most of my free time with you, if we weren’t.” The words come out of his mouth with an intensity that crackles between us like an invisible force as we continue to stare at each other in silence. The only noise around us is the soft water sounds in the background and the occasional bird. Then, the smirk from earlier returns. “Even if you’re a little crazy.”

I take the pillow from behind my back and throw it right at his face. To my dismay, he catches it last-minute and starts laughing.