My brain seems to have taken a vacation because my mouth keeps spilling out way too many of my thoughts without a filter. “I might have a few ideas.”
I cringe internally at my response, but Gabe just laughs it off. It’s low and sexy as hell, and does weird things to my belly. Not that I blame him for laughing. I’m pretty sure I look like I’ve never seen a naked guy before, and he isn’t even fully naked.
Some of the best parts are still covered up.
But I better not think about that, right?
It’s been too long since I’ve been with a guy, and it’s definitely showing more by the minute.
Plus, this is Gabe I’m eyeballing right now. I promised myself I wouldn’t do anything but casual anymore, and I don’t think he’s the casual type of guy. At least, I’ve never once seen him with a woman in all the time we’ve lived together.
He puts his T-shirt back on, and I have to bite my tongue to keep the words of protest to myself that want to fly out of my mouth.
“How was yoga?”
Yoga? Yoga! Gabe got me so distracted he wiped out all of my previous thoughts.
“Torture.” Apparently, my brain is still a bit challenged, not capable of getting out anything but one-word answers.
“Come on, crazy girl. I’ll make us some lunch after my shower, and you can tell me all about your torturous yoga session.”
I sigh, feeling like someone just took away my favorite toy. My brain can’t seem to decide if it’s a good idea the temptation is no longer on a naked platter, so to speak, or if I should stomp my feet on the ground to show my disapproval over said skin coverage.
In the end, my rational part joins the party, telling me to stop playing around. My attraction to Gabe obviously isn’t an issue—it was there from the first time I laid eyes on his handsome face—but things have changed in the last year.
Under normal circumstances, maybe, just maybe, I would have considered starting something with him when I first came to Brooksville last year. But with my injury, dealing with the pain, and the rehab, it all felt too awkward and just wrong to do. Once I realized my leg wouldn’t heal as quickly as doctors first thought, I didn’t have it in me to even think about my sex life.
Now, these thoughts suddenly seem to be back with a vengeance, more intense than ever, and I’m ready to drool over him all day long. The worry about screwing this up with him—and therefore the many relationships around us too—is still a lot bigger though, at least when the rational part of my brain is in control. Having Gabe’s future sister-in-law be my best friend complicates things, and the last thing I want is to make a mess of things.
No one needs that chaos.
Especially not Charlie and Hudson, who are set to be married next year.
Suppressing the frustrating sigh that wants to escape my throat, I try to be good and put on my invisible responsibility hat. It’s not like he’s shown any real interest anyway.
I think at least.
Would that even change things?
I force a smile on my face and nod. “All right. Only if you make your yummy stir-fry though. Yoga wasreallyawful, so I might need lots of delicious food.”
He gives me a triumphant look, probably knowing he had me from the moment he mentioned food.
Let’s hope I can keep my appetite for Gabe in check.
I’m afraid once I get a taste of that delicacy, I might not ever want to stop.
Chapter Six
We tookthe rest of the day easy and ended it by ordering a pizza. Since Gabe had to take a phone call with his agent a while ago, I grabbed some wine and went out back.
Even though we’ve only been here for a few days, I’m already in love with this place. The porch in the back is just as big and comforting as the one in the front. Gabe—or more so his sisters, I guess—did an excellent job with the decorating here as well. Everything’s made up in a nautical theme, the same one I’ve seen not only in Hudson’s house, but also their mother’s. Lots of white and blue, seashells, and ocean decor. It’s beautiful and calming.
“There you are.” Gabe’s voice drifts over to me before he comes into view. “I looked everywhere for you when I couldn’t find you in your room.”