Can you get social anxiety after being away from the spotlight for a while?
Dang it.
I must have made a face because Kiara gives me a concerned look. “It’ll be fun, I promise. We’ll be there to help, okay?”
I nod again, not correcting her. No one needs to know what’s going on in my mind right now, especially since I don’t have a clue either. This socially awkward version of me is new and confuses the hell out of me.
All three women say their goodbyes, leaving Gabe and me alone on the sidewalk.
I push the strap of my bag higher up on my shoulder. “I better get going.”
Gabe leans in, giving my arm a gentle squeeze. “You'll do great, stop worrying so much. You’ll find your way back home, right?”
Of course he’d worry about me getting lost later on.
“Yup.” That’s all my brain can fabricate, the remainder of his warm touch still lingering on my skin as he turns around with a wave.
As I watch him walk away, I’m trying really hard not to analyze what on earth is going on with me. Instead, I’m trying to hold on to as much control as I can, buckling up for the new ride I seemed to have stepped on without my knowledge.
* * *
After my yoga session from hell—I absolutely loved it—I pick up a smoothie at a cute place on my way back to the house, slowly strolling down Main Street. My limbs feel like jelly, and I’m not sure I’ll be able to walk tomorrow. At the same time, I feel oddly relaxed. Talk about getting mixed signals from your body. I always forget how hard yoga can be, especially since I’ve been focusing so much on building up my muscles again the last few months, with only the occasional yoga session at home.
My straw makes loud slurping noises in the now almost-empty cup when I walk up the driveway to Gabe’s house a few minutes later. I stop dead in my tracks when I see him standing on the porch, and I’m sure I look like a deer caught in the headlights. My eyes are ready to pop out of my head at the sight in front of me, and I’ll probably catch some flies with my open mouth.
It might just be worth it though.
Gabe’s standing next to one of the wooden porch posts, his right hand holding on to it while the other one is grasping his left foot behind his thigh for a stretch. I’ve seen him come back from his runs before, so this isn’t an unusual sight. What is though, is his current state of clothing, or more so thelackthereof.
He’s wearing a pair of basketball shorts and nothing else. I think his shirt is on the porch rail next to him, but I’m too mesmerized to take my eyes off him to double-check.
If my absolute fascination with a half-naked man isn’t a testament to the nonexistence of a sex life, I don’t know what is.
He goes through a series of stretches while I stand there, quiet as a mouse, enjoying the way his muscles pull and push under his tanned skin. His back is absolutely beautiful, with wide shoulders forming a gorgeous V down to a narrow waist.
I must have moved my foot without noticing because the gravel under my shoe makes a crunchy noise, and Gabe spins around at the sound.
Our eyes lock as heat shoots through my whole body, settling between my thighs.
We stare at each other for a long moment without saying a word before the corners of his mouth start twitching. “What are you doing just standing there?”
The tone in his voice is light and nonchalant, maybe even a little teasing, as he comes down the porch and walks toward me. His stride is slow and confident, making little sparks fly up the back of my neck.
I gulp as I try to keep my gaze on his face but fail miserably. His chest is just as glorious as his back—muscular without being bulky, with lots of tanned skin, and just the right amount of chest hair.
Seeing him like this makes my fingers tingle in excitement.
He clears his throat when he comes to a stop in front of me.
“What amIdoing?” The words come out in a squeaky tone.
He nods.
I realize it’s pointless to pretend I didn’t just check him out. Might as well use it to my advantage. “Just enjoying the show.”
His amusement is clearly mirrored in his eyes as he shakes his head and chuckles. “Oh, Monica, what am I ever gonna do with you?”