Page 15 of One Short Summer

Chapter Five


The streets are still emptythe next morning when Gabe walks me to my first yoga class. It’s quiet and peaceful as we walk through tree-lined streets. We left the house about ten minutes ago and are already in the heart of the town.

“Talk about convenience.” We’re in the middle of Main Street, which is lined with one cute store after the other on both sides, all painted in different colors. It’s adorable and puts a little smile on my face. “You’re lucky to have snatched a house in such a great location, with a pool and a hot tub in your backyard, and access to the lake only down the road. You have enough privacy with the big lot, yet you’re still just around the corner from everything important. It can’t get much better than that.”

“I know.” A big smile spreads on his face, making my own grow bigger in response. “Thank goodness for Mrs. Johnson and her mad realtor skills.”

“Still a charmer, I see.” The female voice comes from a few feet ahead of us where a woman has poked her head out of the door of one of the businesses. This one is painted a soft pastel purple with a big sign above the door that saysLakeside Yoga.

Looks like we’ve arrived at the torture studio.

Gabe chuckles beside me. “Hi, Mrs. Johnson.”

She gives him a big grin and motions with her hands for him to come closer. “Come here, handsome, and give this old lady a big hug already.”

Gabe goes willingly, and she squeezes him for what feels like five minutes until another woman emerges from the yoga studio.

“Mom, leave poor Gabe alone. You don’t want to drive him out of town already. We just got him back.”

The similarities between Mrs. Johnson and the other woman are uncanny. Both have beautiful mocha-colored skin, brown hair, and brown eyes. The only difference, besides some more lines around the mother’s eyes, is their figures. Mrs. Johnson has the same kind of tall, curvy body type like her daughter, but it looks like she’s filled out her curves some more over the years.

Gabe lifts his hand to wave at the other woman, and I’m glad he clued me in on his friends in town over dinner last night, or I might have felt a little odd at this point. “Hey, Kiara. Good to see you.”

The two embrace in a tight hug before she gives him an obvious once-over. “As good-looking as ever, I see. We’ve missed you around here, stranger. It’s been too long.”

He nods in response, just as a petite, blonde woman sidles up beside Kiara, looking up at her with a smirk. “You’re such a flirt, babe.” Then her gaze flickers over to Gabe, taking him in. “Even though, I get it. If I wasn’t playing for the other team, I’d…” Her voice trails off as they all stare at him with amused expressions.

I’m actually surprised he hasn’t blushed yet from all the obvious attention.

Gabe just waves them off though, his face relaxed. “Hey, Alexa. Looks like marriage is becoming on you.”

Kiara nods with a big smile on her face. “It’s the best.”

I’m watching their little exchange in silence, intrigued to see how Gabe is with these strangers. In Brooksville, everyone seems to know everyone, a heartfelt greeting just waiting around the corner. This is almost adding a different facet to his persona, and I like it.

When I look away from Gabe, Mrs. Johnson’s eyes are on me as she peeks around his body.

“And who do we have here?” Her eyes, and everyone else’s, are suddenly focused on me. “I’m guessing this is the lovely Monica you’ve told me about?”

What on earth did he tell her about me?

Gabe nods. “In the flesh, so please be nice to her.”

Mrs. Johnson laughs, her hands holding her shaking stomach. “I wouldn’t dream of being anything but that. Welcome to Lake Tahoe, sweetie.” She opens her arms and walks over to me, engulfing me in a big hug before I have any time to react. Her hands give me a tight squeeze before letting me go again. “We’re so happy you’re here. I’ve heard so many wonderful things about you.”

Everyone eyes me curiously when Mrs. Johnson steps away from me. Since I don’t know what else to do, I lift up my hand in a slow wave. “Hey, guys. It’s nice to meet you.”

I immediately want to wipe my hands on my pants, feeling my clammy palms as I tighten them into fists at my side before loosening them. I resist the urge to cross and uncross my arms. It’s not like me to feel like this, but I can’t deny this sudden restlessness. I’m pretty sure it’s as clear as daylight to everyone here too, so I decide to find the only familiar thing—Gabe—and stare at him like he alone can save me right now. He gives me a reassuring smile and closes the distance between us, instantly making me more comfortable. His arm brushes mine briefly, and a soft tingle runs up and down my skin in response.

Just when I think an inquisition might start, a few women call out various greetings to Kiara, Alexa, and Mrs. Johnson as they push past us to get into the yoga studio.

“We better head inside. Don't want to start the day with a late class.” Kiara looks at me and smiles. “Are you ready?”

I nod as if I can’t wait for another second to start class when, in reality, I'm not sure how to handle this social situation. That’s probably one of the first times for me, ever, so I’m more than a little confused. I’ve danced in front of thousands of people before and wasn’t this nervous.

I really have lost my game.