I stop walking, so I can push him over into a corner instead. Turning his chin, I silently beg him to look at me. “Hudson, listen to me. He’s not worth it, not one tiny bit. All I want is to forget about this man, to completely wipe him from my memory. Because we—you, me, and Mira—are what’s important. I don’t want him to taint our life in any way.”
Leaning in until our foreheads touch, we both exhale a big breath. Mira leans in too, but a little harsher than necessary so she ends up banging her little head on ours.
This moment is so surreal, I have to chuckle. It helps like nothing else to bring me back down from my rage-infused high because this is exactly what I just said to Hudson.
Weare what’s most important.
Us three.
I kiss Mira first and then Hudson before grabbing his hand to hold on as tightly as possible. “Let’s go. I need a huge piece of cake and a drink.”
Chapter Thirty-Nine
We manageto enjoy the reception as best as we can despite still being a little shaken up for the rest of the day. When it’s evident that Mira needs to go to sleep, we say our goodbyes and head up to our suite.
Hudson gets out of the elevator first, and I almost run into him when he abruptly stops.
“Oops. Sorry.” I peek around him just as one of his bodyguards walks toward us, a grim expression on his face.
“Sorry, boss. We were hoping to get this taken care of before you came back up.”
“What’s going on, Tommy?” Hudson’s voice is low, and there’s an edge to it I can easily detect now.
The massive man looks back and forth between Hudson and me before bending down a little. “We had a little incident with a fan.”
Hudson’s head snaps up, and Tommy flinches, leaning back a few inches. “What happened?”
The big mountain of a man rubs his neck, his voice deep. “One of the hotel staff caught a chick trying to break into your suite. Police were called and everything’s been taken care of.”
As if on cue, two officers walk toward us with a woman between them in handcuffs, followed by a hotel worker and the other bodyguard. I instinctively try and hide a little behind Hudson when they pass, but not before catching the woman’s eyes. They are so full of hatred, I shudder involuntarily.
They all enter the elevator, but the woman’s eyes stay trained on me. Her lips curl into a snarl as she tries to get away from the officers. “You’re never gonna make him happy, bitch. He’s mine.”
One of the policemen says something to her in a harsh tone, and then the elevator doors close.
I’m so shocked, I stare at the closed elevator doors for what feels like hours while Tommy and Hudson talk in hushed voices.
Hudson’s hand comes around my waist as he gently guides me down the hallway to our suite. The other bodyguard, Mason, stands outside the door again, and nods at us when we get there.
Once we’re inside, Hudson comes to stand in front of me. “Are you all right?”
I blink at him. “That was a bit freaky, but yeah, I think so.”
He nods, his face an unreadable mask. “I need to go and take care of a few things with the police. Tommy will come with me, but Mason will stay in front of the door. Are you going to be all right by yourself? I’ll be back as soon as I can.”
After a quick kiss on the forehead for me and one for Mira—who fell asleep at some point during this crazy trip to our room—Hudson is out the door, leaving me with a weird feeling in my belly.
Thankfully, Mira is conked out so hard, she doesn’t even wake up when I put her in her PJ’s and sleep sack before laying her down in the crib. With the baby monitor in tow, I take a long, hot shower, trying to relax as much as I can before climbing into the big bed by myself to read until Hudson gets back.
* * *
I must have fallen asleep at some point because the next thing I know, I’m waking up the next morning. The shower is on in the bathroom, and my foggy brain is trying to deal with the emotions that are coming back from last night’s events, plus the confusion about Hudson not waking me up when he got back.
At least I think he got back to sleep here.
Trying to shake off the uneasiness, I grab my things from the suitcase—after making sure Mira’s still asleep—and make my way to the bathroom just as Hudson opens it from the other side.