My hand immediately goes to my chest because talk about the cutest sight ever.
Leaning against the doorframe, I enjoy the show as long as possible before they see me.
Boy, I’ve got it bad.
Oh yes, I do. And there’s nothing wrong with that at all. Right?
The song ends, and when Hudson turns around to continue whatever he started making on the kitchen counter, he looks up at me. He smirks, knowing full well I was enjoying their little performance.
Mirabelle finally spots me too, shrieking and throwing her hands up in the air. She jumps as fast as she can, making the toys on the bouncer rattle and shake.
I walk over to her, crouching down on the floor to be on the same level. “Hi, cutie pie, did you have a good night?” I lean in to shower her with kisses until her little giggles are all I hear. We give each other the same happy smiles before I grab her under her arms to lift her out of the seat.
Walking to Hudson with Mira on one hip, I bump his with my other. “Hey, rockstar, nice performance you did there.”
He chuckles, stirring some eggs in one pan before flipping a pancake in another. “Don’t even try to pretend you didn’t like it.”
I shake my head and snort, snatching a piece of banana from the cutting board and sharing with Mira. “Never. It was awe-inspiring.”
He leans over to give me a soft kiss on my lips before kissing Mira on the cheek too. “Good, good. That’s what I like to hear, pleasing the crowds.” He nods to all the food everywhere. “Breakfast will be done in a minute. Why don’t you put Mira in her chair? I’ll bring everything over.”
I nod, leaning my head on his shoulder. “Thank you.”
“Welcome, sweetheart.” He gives my forehead a kiss before I move away. “Anything for you.”
The butterflies and hummingbirds in my belly feel like they might break out at any moment, they’re fluttering that hard.
Mira and I walk over to the table—the one that’s already set, thanks to Mr. Rockstar. I put her in her chair, tie her bib, and click the tray in place. After putting a few pieces of cereal on her tray, I walk back over to the kitchen.
“I said I was gonna bring it.” Hudson shakes his head before handing me a plate with toast and a bowl full of scrambled eggs, while he snatches up the plate of pancakes and a bowl of fresh fruit.
“I know, but I want to help.” Everything smells delicious, and I inhale deeply. “It looks yummy. You didn’t have to make all of this.”
He blinks at me. “I know, but I wanted to. Now, let’s go and sit down before it gets cold. I’ll feed Mira.”
Bossy rockstar. “Okay.”
I sit down in my chair and watch Hudson as he heads back into the kitchen to get Mirabelle’s bowl. Once he’s seated, he starts feeding Mira her oatmeal while eating his own food at the same time.
Stopping mid-bite, he looks over at me. “What’s wrong? You haven’t touched your food yet.”
“Oh,” is all that comes out of my mouth before I shake myself out of my trance. “Sorry, I was just lost in thought. I guess I’m still amazed that you take such good care of not only me, but Mira especially.”
He puts his fork down. “Does that bother you? Am I taking over too much? I never meant to push you out of the way.”
“What? No, no. That’s not at all what I meant.” But what exactly am I going to tell him? That I’m still afraid this is all just a dream I’ll wake up from at some point because let’s be real, Hudson seems like the perfect guy. I don’t think I’m not worthy of a great guy, but I also know—sadly, firsthand—that not every guy wants a woman who comes with a baby in tow. It’s a lot to take on. “You’re amazing, that’s all. I just have those moments when it hits me, and I’m not always sure what I did to deserve you.”
Self-doubt is a total bitch, creeping in at the worst and utterly unwanted times, and I hate her from the bottom of my heart. Sometimes I wish I could just turn off my brain to escape those thoughts, for a little while, at least, but I think we all just do our best to move on from them.
“I keep asking myself the same thing.” His voice is soft and gentle, as he cocks his head to the side and reaches out to touch my hand. “Without a doubt, you two are the very best things that have ever happened to me, and I don’t want you to ever doubt that for even a moment, all right?”
I nod, my emotions clogging up my throat too much to speak.
After squeezing my hand, he gives me a small smile. “Now, let’s eat up, there’s something I want to show you.”
I totally forgot about that, and give him a small smile. “Okay.”