“Of course I heard that, silly.” She sits down in the chair, letting out a big huff. “Thanks.”
“Welcome.” I look at her, trying to get a good read on her. “How are you feeling?”
She doesn’t like talking about herself a lot, but I don’t need her to tell me how crappy she’s sleeping to know it’s true. The dark circles under her eyes say it all.
Shrugging her shoulders, she gets comfortable in the chair. “I’m okay. I’ll get through it, and that’s all that matters. Now stop distracting me, and clue me in.”
She studies me like a hawk, trying to find a hint of an answer on my face. “You totally screwed the rockstar, didn’t you?” Her eyes go wide. “Oh my freaking gosh, I can’t believe it. You really did.”
I chuckle at her expression, unable to deny that I’m torn. On one side, I want to tell her everything, but on the other, I want to keep it all to myself. Using a middle ground might seem like the way to go. “No, I didn’tscrewhim, Mo.”
Her excited expression falls at once, and I have a hard time trying not to laugh. Goodness, I actually feel a little bad for her right now.
Taking pity on her, I train my eyes on her face. “But I might have had sex with him.”
Her head falls back on the chair, and she laughs, hitting the armrest hard with her fist. “I knew it.” She points her finger at me, wiggling it around. “Tell me everything, no matter how small a detail it is.”
Shaking my head at her, I finally chuckle. She knows I’m so not a kiss-and-tell person, not even with her.
She sticks her tongue out at me. “Ugh, you’re so lame. You know I haven’t gotten any action in forever, and there’s no end to that drought in the near future either. Come on, help a friend out here. I have to vicariously live through you now.”
“Always so dramatic.”
She shrugs her shoulders, and I know she doesn’t mind comments like that, since she knows I’m right. “Was it good, at least?”
I sigh, finishing up the dough I started before placing it in a bread form. “Very.”
“Everything you thought it would be?”
That’s an easy nod from me. “Pretty much, and then some.”
“And you want lots more of it?”
“Mmm yes, please.” I have to laugh at her continuous inquisition.
She smirks at me, satisfaction evident on her face. “I thought so. Good for you. About time you got a good guy.”
“Thanks, Mo.” I stop laughing and smile at her.
This woman might be a dramatic goofball at times, but there’s a reason she’s my friend. She’s loyal and incredibly supportive, always looking out for me and wanting my best.
“I’m serious. You deserve this more than anyone I know. You’ve had a crapload of stuff to go through in your life. Now it’s finally time to be happy with your adorable baby and a good guy by your side.” She sighs, something I don’t see her do very often. “And he’s obviously got it bad for you. Plus, he adores Mira, so he gets my approval.”
I snort, but on the inside, I try to keep my emotions in check after everything she just said. “Thank goodness.”
“Don’t get all cheeky with me, I’m serious.”
“I know, I know. We just haven’t really talked about us yet.” I know we have to do this at some point soon. I need to know exactly where we’re standing, but just thinking about havingthe talkwith Hudson gives me an anxiety attack. Even though he did mention wanting to tell everyone about us and not wanting to share me either.
“Everyone who’s been around you two knows you guys are meant for each other. Just bring it up next time.” She says it so nonchalantly, I have to laugh. Monica would do something like that, justbring it upin the middle of a normal conversation.
I’d probably pee my pants.
Her comment makes me pause for a moment, though, wondering if she’s actually right about Hudson. I mean, I’d like to think so, but I also just had lots of sex with the man, so I’m not sure if my observation skills are very spot-on when it comes to him.
“Please, just remember I look awful in pink.” Her eyes are wide, and she shivers slightly, as if she’s trying to shake off a bad memory.
I laugh at her remark and her expression, but I’m also a bit confused. “I will never forget that, trust me. That bubblegum party was cute, though. Your mom meant well. Why are we talking about this?”