We’ve grown incredibly close, talking all day long about everything and anything. He’s become my person in life—the person I told about my past, and who I trust. What started out as lust between us quickly morphed into something more, especially with how much time we spend together on a daily basis.
It’s been impossiblenotto form a bond.
If I really want to see where things go between us, I have to push these worries and fears aside and take that leap into his world. Since it’s a part of him, it’s either all of it or nothing at all.
And the thought of not having him, of not being with him, hurts too much.
I’m glad he gave me a moment to ponder over it, already knowing I can slip into my own mind sometimes. “I’d love to come with you.”
“Perfect.” He looks satisfied and happy, which makes me happy too.
What makes this moment even better is our next kiss.
It’s filled with emotions, with promises, pulling me immediately under his spell, my whole focus shifting in an instant.
When we part, I do something that is very atypical for me yet feels entirely right—I get up from the couch and walk over to the fireplace with slow, deliberate footsteps.
I find his eyes on me, as I expected them to be, when I turn back around to look at him. Slowly unbuttoning my cardigan, I keep my gaze on his as I undo button for button.
“What are you doing?” Hudson’s voice sounds hoarse, like he’s having a hard time getting the words out.
With my cardigan now completely undone, I start sliding it down my shoulders, almost painfully slow. “I believe you promised me a make-out session in front of the fireplace, didn’t you?”
Like he has no time to waste, he jumps up from the couch and walks over to me, a predatory gleam in his eyes.
At that moment, I’m absolutely convinced this is going to be one of the best nights of my life, and nothing can ever take that away from me.
Chapter Thirty-Two
When I dropmy cardigan to the floor, Hudson’s eyes stay glued to my chest and the tight tank top I’m wearing. After an audible gulp, his gaze moves up to my face, his eyes blazing with unfiltered lust.
My chest is rising and falling rapidly when he steps closer. To my utter dismay, he stops a foot away when all I want are his hands on me.
He exhales loudly. “Dang, Charlie. You’re driving me absolutely insane.”
A big smile spreads across my face, and I can’t help but grab a handful of his T-shirt to pull him closer. “I’m glad because you’re doing the same to me.” My lips feel suddenly dry, and I wet them with my tongue, my focus shifting down to his mouth.
The last bit of his self-control snaps as his hands find their way into my hair, his body pushing against me.
His body.I don’t think I can ever get enough of it.
I feel him everywhere as we touch from our toes all the way up to our noses. His lips are devouring mine, his tongue so skilled, I’m afraid I’ll start swaying soon. I’m mesmerized, absolutely enthralled. My skin is tingling everywhere, almost like I just received a shock that’s still buzzing through my system.
His lips are relentless, sucking on mine in a way that is so sexy, I want to push him to the floor right this second to have my way with him.
On second thought, he might not even mind.
Our breaths are erratic when we both gasp for air a moment later.
His hand rubs up and over my shoulder before going down my back and to my butt. He squeezes it hard, pulling me into his pelvis.
Oh. My. Goodness.
A sudden panic rushes over me that I won’t be good enough for him. It’s been a while since I’ve had sex, and even then, I never did anything adventurous either.
What if I suck at this? And I don’t mean that literally.
As if he knows exactly how close I am to freaking out, he moves his hands back up to my face, kissing me with a tenderness that makes my heart sigh in pure happiness. When he pulls back, he rests his forehead against mine, his hands still cradling my face. “I hope you know I’d never push you. All you have to do is tell me what you want, and I’ll enjoy every second of whatever you’re willing to give.”