More like the rest of my life because this man is incredibly talented. He’s currently playing the most beautiful melody I’ve ever heard, evoking all sorts of feelings in me. It’s the same song he was humming to me when I told him about my past.

Thinking of that night still makes me feel a bit raw, but this song makes it all better. It’s like my own personal connection with Hudson and the most beautiful thing that’s come out of dealing with my past yet.

The song has me completely enthralled, playing at my heartstrings in the most marvelous way.

“This is your song, you know?” Hudson stops for a moment. “I’m still working on the lyrics, but I like to play it often because it makes me think about you.”

I arch to the side to look at him.

“And just for the record, I like thinking about you—not that I have much of a choice anymore these days, since you’ve pretty much taken over my mind.”

I think my insides just melted a little. I love how blunt Hudson is. It always seems like he says exactly what’s on his mind. Usually, his thoughts mirror mine, but I’m too chicken to tell him that.

After placing his guitar next to us on the blanket, he bends down to give my nose a kiss before going straight for my lips. It’s a quick one but one I enjoy nonetheless.

Hovering over me, he gently brushes the hair out of my face. “Are you ready to go inside? It’s starting to cool down, now that the sun is almost gone, and I don’t want you to get cold.”

I was so distracted by him, I didn’t even notice the temperatures dropping. “If you want to, sure. I’m okay either way.”

“We can turn on the fireplace inside and make out on the rug in front of it.” He wiggles his eyebrows at me, making me laugh.

I slap his arm gently, still chuckling. “What are you? Sixteen?”

“With you, it seems like it. I just want to eat you up all day, every day.” He slowly comes closer again, and I expect him to give me another kiss. Instead, he goes for my throat, gently nibbling his way from my ear down to my collarbone.

That touch elicits a string of feelings in my body that make it hard to know what’s going on anymore. “Your idea sounds better and better by the second.”

He finds a soft spot on my neck, sucking on it until I gasp, ready to melt into a puddle right this second. “That’s what I thought.” After staring at me for a moment, he swipes his thumb over my cheek. “Have I told you already how much I like having you here with me? Because I like ita lot.”

Letting my head fall back into the curve of his shoulder, I nestle into his neck as much as possible. The mixture of his signature scent mixed with the forest smells from around us is like my very own aphrodisiac. “I do too. I enjoy every minute with you.”

“Let’s go inside then and see if we can make it even better.” After standing, he holds out his hand to help me up.

The butterflies in my stomach are happily throwing a big celebration party, not helping my nerves one bit.

After getting everything back into the cabin, Hudson goes straight for the fireplace, turning it on with practiced ease. My body has finally gotten the memo about the lower temperatures, so I’m looking forward to the warmth the fire will provide.

“Are you all right?” He walks over to me and pulls me into an embrace.

I guess I zoned out for a moment while I watched him.

Smiling up at him, I snuggle further into his body. “Absolutely.”

“Good.” He looks at me so intensely I wonder if he’s trying to read my mind. “What do you feel like doing? Do you want to sit down on the couch and talk? We could have some more wine too, if you want to.”

“That sounds lovely.”

He starts walking away but pauses after a few steps, turning back to look at me for a moment before he focuses on his feet. He’s biting his lower lip in a way I’ve never really seen him do before. Is he nervous about something? Or guilty?

After clearing his throat several times, he looks back up at me, his eyes going back and forth between mine.

A ball of anxiety tightens in my belly, and I’m starting to feel nervous for a whole different reason. “What is it?”

“Well, I kind of did something, and thinking about it now, makes me a little unsure if I might have overstepped my boundaries and ruined our night. Which would be the last thing I’d want.”

That doesn’t sound good at all. “Just spit it out.” There’s an edge to my voice, and I’m not sure if it’s anger or slight hysteria. My emotions are so all over the place it’s hard to control them right now.

He shoves his right hand roughly through his hair. “I might’ve been a little presumptuous—or maybe I should say, hopeful—and asked Grandma if she’d be good to stay by herself with Mira until tomorrow.” There’s the slightest bit of color showing on his cheeks, making him look like the most innocent person in the world.