After a few minutes in paradise, he pulls back. “Okay. I keep saying it, but let’s stop right there. I want to do this the right way, and you deserve to be spoiled first.”
Obviously, this means a lot to him, so I try to be good, holding out my hands in front of me. “Let me carry something.”
After giving me a few bags, he grabs the remaining basket and his guitar case, and shuts the trunk.
We walk over to the cabin in silence. As much as I want to jump his bones right now, I’m also curious about this beautiful place he picked, and what he has planned.
Hudson pulls the keys out of his jeans pocket and unlocks the door, pushing it wide open. It creaks a little, which only adds to the charm of this place. Letting me step in first, I can feel his eyes on me as I look around.
It’s nothing fancy or big, but it’s warm and cozy. There’s a small sitting area in front of a fireplace, a tiny kitchenette in the right corner, and it appears a big bed is just on the left side that is mostly hidden from sight. I take a few steps further into the room to get a better look, definitely drawn to it. The big four-poster bed looms around the corner and looks just as inviting as Hudson’s bed back at the house.
You’re in trouble, Charlie. So much trouble.
“Do you like it?” His voice comes from right behind me, causing a shiver to run down my spine.
I turn around and beam at him. “I love it. It’s beautiful. Is it yours?”
He nods. “Grandma and Grandpa had one just like this when I was younger. It was very old though, and Grandma sold it after Grandpa died. But I always loved their cabin, so I knew I wanted to have one eventually too. It’s been a nice place to escape to, when I’m in need of some real quiet time.”
Somehow, that makes this place even more special. “Thanks for sharing it with me.”
“Of course.” He gives me a smile before nodding over to the kitchenette. “Let’s go put the stuff away we don’t need right now. And then we can go outside and eat if you want? The sun should start setting in a little bit.”
His words make me feel all warm and fuzzy. “I’d love to.”
“Let’s do it then.”
After putting a few things in the fridge and cabinets, Hudson pulls me back outside toward the blanket, carrying the basket and guitar case.
Is he actually going to play for me?
Chapter Thirty-One
It’s official.Sitting between Hudson’s legs is my new favorite place to be. We just had the most delicious picnic while watching one of the most magnificent sunsets I’ve ever seen.
Perfect doesn’t even begin to cover tonight.
To make things even better, he’s now sitting behind me on the blanket, his arms tightly wound around both me and his guitar—which is safely propped up on my lap.
“Are you ready?” Hudson’s mouth is right next to my ear, his breath making me shiver.
Am I ready?
Absolutely. It feels like I’ve been waiting for this for a long time.
I nod, excited about what’s to come.
When he starts strumming the guitar, I have to laugh at the sensation. The vibrations of the tones are everywhere in my body, and it’s an incredible sensation.
He chuckles, making us both shake even more. “Hold still, silly.” His hand stops strumming as he presses his lips to my neck. “I’m not sure this is going to work.”
“No way. I’ll hold still now, I promise.” Pretending to be a statue, I sit completely still, not moving an inch.
His fingers start moving again, his left hand finding the chords while his right hand strums continuously. I close my eyes in contentment and lean my head back on his shoulder.
We sit like this for a while, and I’m certain I could listen to him play for the next few years.
Who am I kidding?