He seems to feel the same way as our kiss turns more frantic by the second.

I’ve never been much of an initiator, but Hudson makes me want to climb on top of him right now—no matter if we end up on the ground, the car, or whatever other surface we can find within a two-foot radius.

“Wait.” He pulls back, both of us breathing hard.

It takes me a good minute before I can think straight again, let alone get a word out. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to jump you like this.” I cover my face with my hands before peeking through my fingers at his smirking face.

Prying my hands from my face, he shakes his head. “Did I give you the impression I minded it in any way? You can attack me like that whenever you want, day or night.” The wink he gives me nearly does me in.

“Not really first date material though, huh?”

“I don’t think anything between us has been going according to any sort of normal timeline anyway, so I think we’re safe to do whatever we want, whenever we want it.”

Well, isn’t that a nice way to look at it? Even though, he’s right. We have been doing things completely out of order, which makes me chuckle.

Since it feels good to have that off my chest, I instantly relax. “I guess you’re right. No normal rules for us then?”

“Nope.” He gives me another kiss but doesn’t linger this time. Instead, he pulls on my hand and walks to the trunk. “Now, let me show you around and feed you before I change my mind and eat you up instead.”

“Some people do prefer to have dessertbeforetheir main meal.”

He stops and spins around, and it’s hard to tell who’s more shocked right now—him or me.

My eyes are wide as saucers as I clamp my free hand over my mouth, slowly shaking my head. “She does that to me. I swear, this is all her fault.” The words come out muffled through my fingers.

Hudson throws his head back and laughs. “I’m guessing we’re talking about Monica?” He taps the tip of my nose with his index finger before leaning close to my ear. “I wouldn’t consider that a bad influence, though. Actually, I really like it—even more so, since it makes you blush.”

With that, he trails little kisses along my jaw before claiming my mouth once more. At this pace, we’ll never even make it close to the little cottage. When we come up for air, I can see the strain it takes him to stay away from me this time.

Closing his eyes for a moment, I listen to his breathing as he tries to calm down. “Phew, this is a lot harder than I thought it would be.”

“I’ll behave now. No more distractions from me.”

He shakes his head, like I have no idea what I’m talking about. To be honest, I’m not sure how much I comprehend right now. I feel like I’m walking through some sort of haze, my main focus being Hudson and those delicious lips of his. Nothing else registers, not even a bit.

I quietly chuckle to myself, realizing this is probably the first time I truly understand what Monica’s one-track mind is all about. No wonder she talks about this stuff constantly. It already feels utterly addicting.

My thoughts jump to my past for a moment, wondering what all of this says about my previous experiences with guys, becausenothingwas ever close to being this exciting or worthwhile before.


Not a single encounter.

Hudson squeezes my hand before letting go. Opening the trunk of his big SUV, I’m surprised to see it’s filled as far as the eye can see.

What on earth does this man plan on doing out here with me?

The sight makes me chuckle. “How long were you planning on staying here? A month?”

One side of his mouth quirks up, making his dimple pop out. “I just wanted to be prepared, that’s all. Plus, I want to spoil you, and also make sure you won’t get bored, so I brought lots of entertainment.”

Grasping his arm, I turn him around. “I really hope you don’t mean that. I can’t even tell you how much I’ve been looking forward to spending some time with you alone. No baby monitor or people that can come home and interrupt us. Just you and me. That’s all I need and want right now. There will absolutely not be any need for other forms of entertainment. Believe me.”

The smile he gives me in response is one of the most genuine smiles I’ve ever seen on his face. It reaches his eyes in a way that makes the butterflies in my stomach go completely crazy. “Oh, Charlie. What am I gonna do with you?”

I shrug my shoulders and smirk at him. “How about you kiss me again?”

“I think that can be arranged.” The heat in his eyes has grown even more since our last lip action, and I feel the reciprocal buzz in my veins from it. My whole body is humming in anticipation, wanting more and more of this intoxicating feeling whenever he touches me.