I nod because I’m not sure what to say to him right now. Obviously, it’s not my place to tell him to stay, not that I could ever ask that of him anyway. He’s got a big career and being on the road is a huge part of it.
No news there, regardless of how much I dislike the thought of it.
Instead, I try and focus on the wonderful company tonight. Spending time with this awesome family and getting to know them better has been great. No matter what happens with Hudson when he leaves town again at some point, I will still stay in Brooksville. Having a few friends will be good, and necessary.
This situation makes it blatantly clear, though, that Hudson and I have to talk about us, what we are, and where we’re going. For now, I try and focus on the positive, like this wonderful evening and our date tomorrow.
* * *
Three long hours later, I finally close the front door behind the last person leaving. “Gosh, they can be exhausting.”
Hudson chuckles next to me, silently agreeing with me. He takes my hand and turns me around. “Come on, you party animal, time for bed.”
I stifle a yawn and nod. It’s late, and sleeping does sound good, especially when it’s in his really big and extremely comfortable bed. Even more so when he’s in there with me.
Without any protest, I let out a long sigh and follow him up the stairs.
“Huh?” Apparently, I spaced out for a second.
Hudson chuckles. “Are you gonna get ready in your room? You know, it might be easiest to just get some of your stuff and put it in my bathroom and bedroom. I mean, just, if you want, of course.”
It’s a simple statement, but it has so much meaning behind it. At least, that’s what it sounds like to me, and as weird as it sounds, it’s something I’ve never been asked before. Even though Sebastian and I spent some nights together, we never intentionally left any personal belongings at the other person’s place. It never even occurred to me, if I’m being honest. I was a good little visitor, taking everything back home with me when I left. Oddly enough, it felt right. That should have been a sign right there.
Realizing Hudson is still waiting for an answer, I nod. I feel like throwing my arms around him and thanking him for being this awesome person. He makes all this intimacy stuff so easy, something I never knew could be like that. “I was gonna jump in the shower quick, wash all this food smell off me.”
“How about a bath?” The words shoot out of his mouth, as if he’s been waiting to say them for hours. “You deserve some nice relaxation time after this week. I can run it for you in my bathroom. I mean, my bathtub is a lot bigger.”
Interestingly enough, I feel a little disappointed at his lack of flirtation right now, which can only mean he’s actually planning on letting me have the bath by myself.
Something in me clicks in that moment, bringing out a hidden part of me, and I open myself up to a need I’ve never felt before.
Taking a step forward, I lean into his body, both of my hands firmly pressed against his chest. I look up at him from under my eyelashes, hoping I’m not making a total fool out of myself. I’m not sure I’d recover from that. “A bath sounds perfect, but only if you join me.”
His eyes go wide for a moment before he wraps his arms around my waist. “That’s not what I meant, but I’d be a fool to refuse.”
“Well, then you better not be one.”
“Oh, Charlie. What am I gonna do with you?” He’s close enough for me to feel his warm breath on my face.
“So many possibilities.” I grin and go up on my toes, closing the last bit of space between us to seal his lips with mine. “Give me one minute. I’ll be right back.”
After getting everything I need from my room, and checking on Mirabelle one more time, who passed out hours ago, I make my way back to Hudson’s room, my nerves on full alert.
When I walk into his bathroom, there’s a sea of bubbles rising in the bathtub. Hudson stands in front of the bathtub with his back to me. I put my things on the large counter and quietly walk over to him. Circling my arms around his middle, I rest my head between his shoulder blades, taking in a deep breath. I love his scent, it’s familiar and soothing, the sound of the running water an added balm for my soul.
He turns around in my arms to face me, and after a long moment of staring into my eyes, he cups my face with his hands, pulling me in for a kiss. His lips are soft, his tongue unhurried as it delves into my mouth. Since I can’t ignore the tense back muscles under my hands, I’m convinced he’s taking things slowly for my benefit. I can’t find it in me to complain, though, because this is perfect. This is exactly what I needed, and I’m sure Hudson knows that.
My hands drift under his shirt before tugging it up at the edges. Hudson gets the memo and lifts his arms for me to pull off his shirt, revealing his beautiful chest in the process. My hands have a mind of their own, exploring his naked skin—dips and curves of his muscles included—with a tenacity I don’t usually have.
I’m slowly starting to realize Hudson brings that out in me. He’s already been such a big influence in so many aspects of my life. It’s almost like he has a direct connection to my inner self, sometimes knowing what I need before I even know it myself.
After stripping off his jeans, leaving him in only his tight black boxer briefs that do nothing to hide his erection, he kisses me again until we’re both breathless. “Your turn.”
Lifting my arms over my head, I let him pull up the dress I’m wearing, my eyes never leaving his as he takes in every new inch of skin he’s revealing. The awe and pure lust in his gaze is a turn-on I’ve never experienced before, making me tingle in places I haven’t felt anything in a very long time.