Footsteps come up behind me, but I don’t turn around, enjoying the body heat that’s radiating off Hudson when he walks right up to me. “Are you worried about her?”

I take a deep breath to calm myself and nod. Poor Hudson has dried enough of my tears this last week. “She always acts so tough and strong, but this must have hit her a lot harder than she’s letting on. Not just the physical part, but also emotionally. I mean, her career has always been her dream, her life goal. Ever since we were little, she was talking about becoming a dancer. While all the other kids, me included, switched our future dream jobs on a weekly basis, Mo never did. She always just wanted to dance. And rightfully so. Watching her dance is magical. It’s like nothing I’ve ever witnessed before.”

Putting one arm around me, he pulls me into his side. Mira climbs from my arms into his, happily snuggling into his chest. “Ma-ma, ma, ma, ma.” Hearing her babble her little syllables is the cutest thing. Apparently, she’s already done, one of her hands in her mouth instead.

I didn’t think it was possible, but these two have grown even closer over the last week—not that I should be surprised with him taking care of her so much while I was sick. “Looks like someone is ready for her nap, huh? It was an exciting morning. Monica and Gabe probably tired her out pretty good.”

“No doubt.” Hudson gives my forehead a soft kiss, and I lean into his body, feeling comforted by the contact. “Please don’t hesitate to let me or Gabe know when you need anything for Monica. From what I’ve seen, she’s just like Gabe, too proud and stubborn to ask herself, so that will be your job. Doctors, physical therapists, special equipment, anything. Let us know, and we’ll make it happen.”

I look up at him at the same moment his hand reaches out to touch my cheek. “Thank you. That means a lot to me, especially since you don’t even know her.”

“I don’t, but I’d like to think that I knowyoupretty well by now, and she obviously means a lot to you, so that puts her on my important list too.”

Blinking up at him, it takes me a moment to respond. “You’re so good to me, I don’t know what to say. Thank you.”

He leans his head on mine. “You deserve it, and so much more. I hope you can see that one day.”

A soft snore makes us both look down. We wear identical smiles when we see Mirabelle has fallen asleep in Hudson’s arms.

Scratching my forehead, a bout of guilt rushes through me at seeing her this exhausted. “Poor baby. I probably should’ve put her down a while ago.”

Hudson looks back at me. “She’s okay, don’t worry. Just tired from playing and getting the rest of the sickness out of her body.”

This man never ceases to surprise me with his comments. “How are you so good with her?”

Shrugging, he looks down at her, his hand gently rubbing her back. “I don’t know. I’ve always loved kids and”—the rhythmic movement of his hand stops for a moment before it continues—“I kind of read a lot about babies too last year, when I know...that I’d be starting my own family soon.”

Great. Now I feel like a jerk for bringing it up. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have asked.”

“Stop apologizing, you didn’t do anything wrong. It’s just what it is, and it’s in the past. I’m over it, really.” He starts walking toward the staircase, and I fall in step beside him. “Do you want me to put her down? I mean, if you don’t mind. Or you can do it. That’s totally fine too, of course.”

I touch his arm. “I’m good either way. You’re more than welcome to, if you want. Just let me know if you need help.”

He looks startled for a moment before smiling widely at me. “Sounds good. Why don’t you go eat some breakfast, and then I can help you with the preparations for tonight. Look and see if you have everything, or if we need to get something from the store. And when I come back down, I’m gonna rile up my family.”

An automatic protest sits on my tongue—he’s been doing so much for me, for us already—but I swallow it when I see the look on his face. His eyebrows are drawn together while his lips are relaxed. I’ve come to read him pretty well, understanding he’s silently challenging me to refuse his help again. “I’d love that, thank you.”

Careful not to move Mira, he bends down and kisses me softly.

I didn’t expect it—still not fully used to our open affection—but this time, I lean into him without a second of hesitation. This connection we have might feel overwhelming at times, but I can’t deny how right it feels. Far too soon, he pulls back, making me miss the contact instantly.

He straightens up to his full height. “Anytime. Let me get her upstairs, and I’ll be right back.”

I watch him walk up the stairs with Mirabelle until he disappears around the corner, wondering if I’m being brave or stupid to allow my heart to open up like this already.

Chapter Twenty-Eight

Hudson has beena real champ all day, helping me with my baking as well as getting everything set up for our little gathering. I love having him around, no matter what I do, even if he tries to help me with my baking and ends up making a mess. Not to mention all the stolen kisses that sweeten up my day.

It’s the best.

Sadly, Hudson’s parents and Hannah already had plans for tonight, but Hudson’s mom left me a message saying we’ll get together soon. That means it’ll only be the Mitchell siblings, Monica, Mira, and me.

That might be enough anyway.

It can be a bit crazy and overwhelming at times when the whole family is together.

Monica comes into the kitchen, interrupting my thoughts. She looks at the set table and whistles. I have to say I’m a little proud of ourselves. We used the nice dinnerware, and even got some flowers and candles. “Wow, you guys. This looks great. You’re, like, the dream hosting couple already.”