With a sigh, I turn around and sink into his body, contentment filling me to the very brink when his arms reach around me to pull me even closer. I can’t wait to feel better to make up for the lost time with him—with more than just cuddling.
Chapter Twenty-Six
When I wakeup the next morning, I feel refreshed and energetic. Thank goodness. I stretch my limbs like a cat, excited to start the day. A big smile spreads across my face at the memories from last night and falling asleep in Hudson’s arms.
I wouldn’t mind doing that for the rest of my life.
“What are you smiling about?” The female voice shocks me for a moment before I recognize it.
My eyes fly open, trying to adjust to the daylight while my brain is still trying to wake up.
Am I hallucinating or is my best friend really here? In Hudson’s bedroom, of all places.
“Mo? Is that you?” I prop up on my elbows and scan the room through squinted eyes.
There she is, in the flesh, sitting on the dark gray couch that’s on the other side of the room, her leg propped up on the couch cushions.
“Of course, silly. Who else would it be? Last time I checked, I haven’t changed into a ghost or some other form of an apparition.”
A laugh escapes my throat as I rub my eyes, willing my body to fully boot up. “What on earth are you doing here? You weren’t supposed to get here for another week or so. Why didn’t you tell me you were coming? I could’ve gotten you from the airport, I could’ve gotten things ready.”
I sit up all the way, brushing my hand through my hair—which only ends up in me trying to untangle it because it’s such a mess.
“That’s how surprises work.” She throws her hands up in the air. “Surprise.” The huge grin on her face makes my own face light up too. “Even though it looks likeyousurprisedmeinstead.”
“Why? What do you mean?”
“Well, I certainly didn’t expect to be sent up to this bedroom instead of yours. You didn’t tell me you guys were havingsleepovers.” She wiggles her eyebrows at the last word, her grin transforming into a smirk.
Covering my face with my hands, I feel a little guilty for not having told her about me and Hudson. I didn’t want to say anything yet because I’m still not sure what’s actually going on either. “Yeah. About that...”
“It’s okay. The last time we talked about it, you didn’t want to start anything with him. At least not until some grass has grown over the whole crazy pregnancy story with his ex.” She snorts loudly. “By the way, nice ass shot in the gossip magazine.”
So typical. Her thoughts jump back and forth so quickly, you really have to pay attention if you want to keep up with her. Thankfully, I’m used to it, so it doesn’t strike me as odd.
Monica laughs at my groan. “I’m just teasing. Relax. I was talking about the one you already told me about. There aren’t any new ones—not that I know of, at least.”
“Stop playing with me, I just woke up.” I snatch one of the pillows from the bed and toss it her way. “Now, why are you already here, even more so, in Hudson’s bedroom?”
“But that was my question to you.” She points a finger at me, and I roll my eyes playfully. Her sassy expression suddenly changes, but it’s hard to read her.
“What is it? Why are you looking at me like that?”
She shrugs, playing with her fingers in her lap. “I saw the note you wrote to Hannah in a pile of papers on the bar.”
The note.
The one where I told Hannah that Hudson knows about my past. I needed her to not feel bad anymore for keeping it from him. It probably also inadvertently told her that we’ve taken things to the next level before she even saw us together the following morning.
Letting my head fall, guilt overtakes me for keeping Mo out of the loop these last few weeks. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you.” I lift my head enough to look at her. “But it was time to tell him.”
“It’s okay. I’m glad you let him in.” She nods toward the bed. “I guess it went well if you sleep in his bed.”
“I wanted him to know before I could move on, I guess.” My chest rises and falls on an exhale. “Mo, he was amazing. I was so scared to tell him, after everything that happened with Sebastian. I know they’re completely different people but the fear of telling anyone and see them react badly hasn’t gone away. Not to mention, I still get super emotional every time I tell the story. Sadly, it hasn’t gotten any easier so far.”
Mo gets up from her spot and hops over to the bed. On one foot.